Mar 8, 2020
This message will be quite long and just my mad man thoughts on what the scenes are and I am doing this because I am bored. Based on some information that I have seen, I think the four scenes could be between Nancy, Annie, Dalia, calypso and the less likely would be Alex (though she might have a higher chance then calypso), Luna and Nova. Now to dive deeper. By the first progress report one of the scenes was already finished and two sneak peaks were made and judging from the images and previous sneak peaks from other updates, I think that one of the sneak peaks in the second sneak peak is the one leading up to a scene. All 7 girls are featured but the ones that look like they could be a scene are Nancy, Dalia, and Luna. Now, by the next Progress report 2 of them are done and the third is almost finished. Based on the images in the third sneak peak I think Nancy would have the first scene. She hasn't had one in a while and doesn't appear in any more of the sneak peaks. (caribdis said something unexpected would be in this so Nova might be involved with the scene with Nancy.) The Sneak peaks for #4 and #5 are mostly about Dalia and Alex. Calypso is in one image as well but no one is around. Now for the second scene I think it would be with Annie. her and Luna are in the screenshots and it looks like they might be at Luna's house so Luna might have a scene with Annie. (don't know if mc is there with them so maybe not.) Now we are left with two scenes left and three potential characters. Dalia, Alex, and Calypso. In the Sneak peak #5 calypso gives off vibes of finding out something bad and in the image in the discord with the announcement. its either her or Dalia with the 4th scene. Now its just the third. The image in the discord is Alex and she has the top of her swimsuit off but because of her scene in 0.6 and because Dalia had her scene before Alex, I think Dalia would have the third one and that would make Calypso have the fourth scene. So the order that I think the scenes will go in are Nancy (possibly with nova as well), Annie (possibly with Luna), Dalia (Possibly with Alex because Sneak peak #4 seems to be about those 2), and calypso. But I wouldn't expect all of the scenes to be with more then one person. Because of this setup. Penny would be the only one left out. But who knows maybe the unexpected thing that caribdis said would be everyone is paired up with another person. Another thing, it looks like every time the image that is used in the release has 2 or more images that leads up to the scene but all the people in the image are the people I already talked about in this giant rant of nonsense that is probably completely wrong. That's usually how my luck is when it comes to make theories or predictions
I wanted to tell you that i read your wall of text.
Use new lines.
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Dec 15, 2023
There is something I wonder about the consequences of something from the early game. Early on you can buy the lucky pendant for Annie which later ends up saving the lives of the MC and Annie in Eternum later on. Now this would normally lead to a loss of inventory and levels but there is a bigger problem. At the time the MC carries a gem of doom that grants him entry to a major party of all the big players in Eternum the next day and losing that gem would essentially completely derail the story. What happens if the MC didn't buy that gem?


Jan 11, 2019
There is something I wonder about the consequences of something from the early game. Early on you can buy the lucky pendant for Annie which later ends up saving the lives of the MC and Annie in Eternum later on. Now this would normally lead to a loss of inventory and levels but there is a bigger problem. At the time the MC carries a gem of doom that grants him entry to a major party of all the big players in Eternum the next day and losing that gem would essentially completely derail the story. What happens if the MC didn't buy that gem?
Pretty sure it only saved Annie's life, not the MC's.
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