I have to agree that this update felt a little short on lore. Not a lot short, but I looked at some posts before starting the update and I remember seeing someone say there were 3 new love scenes and thinking, "Wow, with how far apart those are that's going to be a ton of content!" But then it was bing, bang, boom, and we're done. Someone mentioned it seems like things are starting to wrap up, and I have to say, I really hope not. We don't know anything about the Founder, or what Thanatos is up to, or the "NPCs," we don't know how Bardot or Axel fit in, we don't even know where the last gem is yet. If all of that gets wrapped up in one or two updates it will feel almost as cheap as when a VN just ends and jumps to a where are they now type wrap up. I just started OiaL again after not finishing a long time ago, and all I'll say is Caribdis has come a long way as a writer. It's so hard to find a VN that doesn't make me wonder if the author has ever had a conversation with a real human person before. Eternum deserves to be fully fleshed out.
My only real issue with this update was Orion flirting with a waitress one time and Annie just peacing out completely. Really? Annie? Best friend Annie? I've had a crush on you since we were 10 Annie? The same Annie who locked him in a bubble just a minute ago to prove herself to him? We know she's ok with sharing because if you don't lose her she literally lists off the other girls he's with by name. I get that the waitress was a rando and she'd be upset, but at this point a path ender without some sort of major betrayal seems really out of place. It would have been nice to see her stand up for herself even more so with the flirting.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. August feels like forever away.
Also Calypso needs her own entry on the character page. She's part of the team. I will die on this hill.