i mean the fact you called me calypso hater says everything i need to know XD
i love calypso, i am just capable of reading narrative and desire cohesiveness in the story telling. following patterns etc.
I did not say its IMPOSSIBLE to have full sex scene with calypso in next update, i am saying its highly unlikely for it to happen given all the facts, and also that i would personally dislike the posibility of it happen this fast. And what do you mean by "its just a game between two characters" when there is literally elf warrior ready to execute orion just for holding calypso in his arms. if they take a sneak peak in the "other" folder... (where calypso rightfully belongs hahahahaha) and see the scene in the bathtub and penis touching, orion is losing his head before you can say "calypso main girl"

or rather that is what i would say if plot armor did not exist XD