how do u know she didn't have a loving and caring boyfriend

not everyone loses their virginity in a one night stand or throws it away to some scummy dude hell i'd say that's a low minority
or like other person said could be from sports, or hell even a large dildo
Technically Nova isn't a virgin anymore now lol, bet some ppl would be pissed at that thought
i'm not usually one to care abt virginity, nor do i kink shame ppl that care abt it for porn sake, but the people that instantly turn it into a thing where the "woman is no longer pure, she's ruined" shit are so weird

especially if u make up some weird story like that
sex with a virgin can be boring anyways, better to just use that as an emotional connection moment instead of for mutual physical pleasure, which both are important
You can't fuck like Nancy if you a virgin

unless u use porn laws of course lol