I would like a fast travel function.
Currently, you need 10 clicks to go to work in the morning and sit at your desk. That could quickly be reduced to 1 or 3 clicks.
1 click: get up: go to work
3 clicks: get up, open the closet, choose clothes, and display possible options based on the clothes, such as going to work in office clothes.
A slimmed down fast travel function would also be helpful. In some buildings, you can already select the individual rooms, why not in all buildings? The home alone would save a lot of tedious clicks every day.
I have now been invited to the bar, but when I click on Jaine, I end up in the job placement room. That's what happens on a Monday. I either go to sleep now, or I can repeat the action in the bar endlessly.
Jaine wasn't in the bar on Tuesday, and the subsequent error occurred in the conversation with the male guest.
(Clothing display faulty.
If I go to the bar in office clothes, the cocktail dress is displayed in conversations. Similar things happen in other places in the game.)
On Wednesday, Jaine was in the bar and ready to talk.
Yes, I was there at the wrong time on Monday, but changing rooms is still a mistake.
And regarding the wrong time. On Thursday, I go to the bar for the USB, find out that Jimmy comes by on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but then sits comfortably two tables away. The only problem is that he doesn't respond to the quest, so you really have to come by on one of the days mentioned. Only to then find out that he isn't sitting in the bar on Friday.
And on we go.
"Today I'm meet my friends." So off to the bar, talk to Jaine, and end up back at the reception in the office.
Yes, the quest continues at some point. Probably two or three days later in the game. But it's annoying when set times aren't kept and you have to keep walking blindly through the locations to get further in the quest. This is where improvements are urgently needed.
In addition, the graphics aren't really up to date. Contours (see hedges) are far too sharp and ugly, characters are far too blurry and lack the subtleties and poses that we saw years ago in other games. Difficult pathfinding, bad English and some passages that aren't translated (see quest log), etc.
The story itself isn't bad so far. I think the slow corruption is consistent, but I would like to see a more consistent implementation here too.
Take the bar scene. Why does Evelyn do that straight away? Couldn't she run away first, talk to Jaine and either be persuaded by Jaine or be accompanied by Jaine, who then takes over the stripping, but Evelyn is present? As silly as it sounds, Evelyn could learn that showing some skin offers new paths to success.