
Jan 27, 2018
The idea is, just as you're out to make a profit, so is Tony.
He's going to make sure he has a loyal customer in you before he starts giving you deals. Although you can do whatever you want with the drugs you buy, they natural progression is supposed to imply that you use them to create/befriend addicts to setup your own drug den - if you're directly selling them, you're going to make a loss unless you're directly smuggling in the drugs yourself because, after all, you already bought the drugs from a dealer, who is offering that same price to everyone (except loyal customers of course). Why would people buy from you for more than they could buy from Tony? That's why selling drugs directly at the moment is supposed to be high-risk, low return; if you're selling on the turf of a bigwig, with his own drugs, you'll need to get a pretty good deal on them to turn a profit.

That is exactly how it should work ^_^
Buying drugs from Tony should only serve to make Tony trust you, and thus help establish your drug business. Reduced prices later on are merely to make it easier on people who want a lump sum of drugs quickly, rewarding them for consistently doing business with an old partner after going independent.

Sorry if this aspect wasn't made apparent. o_o; The current mechanic is just some polish I added to a very rudimentary system, but I plan to flesh it out at some point in the future.

Edit: Also, I should mention this in case people think I'm contradicting myself - The discounted prices are an easter egg for those who keep buying from Tony past when they could have gone independent. The progression I mentioned in this post is the direction the original game's code seemed to intend to steer players towards. While I tried to keep discounts as enticing as I reasonably could, I also tried to balance it with the original game's intentions in mind. When I talked about the discounts in previous posts, I was purely talking about the balance of the discounts, while this post is talking about the balance of the entire in-game drug economy. Just trying to prevent future confusion here! >_<
I mean considering he buys it for almost nothing he'll probably make a profit no matter what he sells it for.

As for why they'd buy it from you instead of from Tony, well, why do you buy groceries from the super-market? I mean that's just how economy works intermediaries bumping up prices.
Maybe most random people don't feel comfortable walking into a drug-lord's mansion to purchase one hit of cocaine? Maybe Tony thinks it's easier to off-load 1000 hits of it on you for a fraction of the price, meaning he'd get a big influx of cash right now and he wouldn't have to deal with trying to off-load it on losers or having losers show up begging him for it when they're out of cash.

And yeah you don't really need any steering to realize that once you can bypass Tony and buy it directly from Colombia yourself that you wouldn't need to buy it from him anymore.

Going back to the 'why would people buy it more expensive from you than they'd buy it from Tony argument, why would you sell it cheaper than you bought it for, that's kinda unbecoming a drug-dealer, you're already wasting your time chasing buyers down, so why would you make a 50+% loss on the transaction as well?


New Member
May 31, 2021
Hi, I understood correctly that you are translating and modifying the game from Russian. If I understand correctly, you have the original 10.02.23. You can please throw off the latest Russian original version or a place where you can download it. I can't find it anywhere.


Jun 26, 2017
...that's just how economy works intermediaries bumping up prices.
Maybe most random people don't feel comfortable walking into a drug-lord's mansion to purchase one hit of cocaine?
You're assuming he doesn't have other drug dealers. After all, who's to say you're the only intermediary?
Maybe Tony thinks it's easier to off-load 1000 hits of it on you for a fraction of the price, meaning he'd get a big influx of cash right now and he wouldn't have to deal with trying to off-load it on losers or having losers show up begging him for it when they're out of cash.
To Tony, you are one of those losers. At least, until you gain his trust. Until Tony tells you how to source your own drugs, he doesn't consider you a dealer, just a buyer. You're gaining his trust to show you're worthy of learning the tricks of his trade. Until you earn his trust, you're just a guy who learned about him from another customer. You're not even competition - you're a customer.
Going back to the 'why would people buy it more expensive from you than they'd buy it from Tony argument, why would you sell it cheaper than you bought it for, that's kinda unbecoming a drug-dealer, you're already wasting your time chasing buyers down, so why would you make a 50+% loss on the transaction as well?
That's why you shouldn't sell until you source your own drugs >_>. The "slow burn" for profit would be to use the drugs you bought as free samples to get NPCs hooked (and eventually having them sell for you), while selling is more to mitigate losses from buying drugs you couldn't afford to keep. Also, I have a feeling the original dev expected players to have a reliable supply of drugs from couriers before they set up drug dens, even though it's way easier to recruit dealers than it is to recruit couriers.

That said, attached is a version that should (I didn't test it, so fingers crossed) increase the selling price of doses to 15-25 dollars per dose randomly each day for drug dens. This is mainly to show that I do agree with your view on the matter, I just want to keep the game mainly flowing the way the original dev intended. When I overhaul the drug system, I'll further change it, but for now that should give you a bit of a profit from drugs every now and then, at least until you get couriers.

Remember, when you gain Tony's complete trust, a dose of drugs will only cost you 1 dollar! 20 dollars is the initial price, not the final price. So, I had to randomize the selling price somewhat to keep some semblance of balance, especially once you start getting those drugs for cheap.

Hi, I understood correctly that you are translating and modifying the game from Russian. If I understand correctly, you have the original 10.02.23. You can please throw off the latest Russian original version or a place where you can download it. I can't find it anywhere.
This post has links:
Main game


Patch files

Also, to my knowledge there is no official version 10.02.23. The last official version, as the one linked in the post, is 03.07.22.

Edit: If you're talking about the date on my file, it's the date I released my major update to the mod, not an actual version for the original game, sorry for the confusion.


New Member
Aug 4, 2020
I found a bug with female slaves. Once you aquire your first female slave, all subsequent female slaves at the slavers guild are shemales, and any woman you kidnap from the streets and take to the farm is a shemale.


New Member
Mar 18, 2017
I found a bug with female slaves. Once you adquire your first female slave, all subsequent female slaves at the slavers guild are shemales, and any woman you kidnap from the streets and take to the farm is a shemale.
I can confirm that happen indeed in my game too, also all girls you met in the club.

Susan Xandera

Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
I found a bug with female slaves. Once you aquire your first female slave, all subsequent female slaves at the slavers guild are shemales, and any woman you kidnap from the streets and take to the farm is a shemale.
The moment they realized someone with life hacks was out enslaving women they thought they'd be safe as shemales.


Jun 26, 2017
Yo, sorry that my replies are a little slow lately...

I think I got an idea of what might have happened, I added a couple safeguards in the code, let me know if they help.
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Jan 27, 2018
How do you do to turn the brothel profitable?

I've spent like multiple weeks running non-stop advertisements for it, only to get bombarded by scandals and multiple messages about how no one knows about it. Alternatively just a completely blank space on the daily report.
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Jun 26, 2017
Hi Anon, any news on the next update? :)
Hi! ^_^

Nothing noteworthy yet, I've been stuck in a really bad run of shifts at my job that didn't leave much time for coding, but I've been working out an outline on how the upcoming factories update will mesh with the rest of the world.

I don't want to keep you all waiting, but I also don't want to rush out something sloppy, so while I can't give any concrete details, I can say that I've been actively working on the next update, just much slower than my previous pace.

Edit: I finally found a reliable reference site for some of the more obscure formatting knowledge for qsp, and it's helped me figure out some small details I'd never experimented with before. While I outline factories, a couple features I have already started to add using my newly learned knowledge include:
  • Removing underlines from hyperlink text (FINALLY)
  • More fluid startup
  • Incorporating the input window into certain scenes, instead of an input popup (I'm uncertain about this one though...might revert it if it's unpopular)
  • In-game save/load system (imagine if you could save from the game window, and when you load the game it actually reminds you what you character was just doing)
  • Dedicated transition location (it'll cut down on having to write some code checks into every location)
  • Menu system (dropdown menus when clicking on certain links). This could lead to an interaction system in the future where instead of just an enlarged picture of body parts, you could also comment on a girl's tits, grope a guy's ass, or punch a stranger in the face. The possibilities are endless!
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New Member
Nov 3, 2017
Hi! ^_^

Nothing noteworthy yet, I've been stuck in a really bad run of shifts at my job that didn't leave much time for coding, but I've been working out an outline on how the upcoming factories update will mesh with the rest of the world.

I don't want to keep you all waiting, but I also don't want to rush out something sloppy, so while I can't give any concrete details, I can say that I've been actively working on the next update, just much slower than my previous pace.
No worries! take your time. Appreciate all the updates :)
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Jun 26, 2017
Hey, I've got a minor teaser for you ;)

This is still very much in-progress, but just something I've been working on in addition to factories. This image is still in-progress, but in my opinion it already looks much nicer than the original New Game setup. A small goal I set is to completely have all actions removed from the new game setup, building them into the main window instead, so I'd consider what I have still WIP.
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Notice the Input window on the bottom? It'll disappear after leaving the naming screen, but I think it looks nicer than having a series of input popups just to name yourself. You also don't have to backtrack anymore to rename yourself, with the new system.

A couple other neat things I did:
  • The purple text is hyperlinks, I finally figured out how to remove underlining
  • Your input will be trimmed down - meaning spaces on either end will be removed, but spaces between words will remain
  • The input field has its own handling location - meaning I can set code to activate when you enter your name, or change variables when specific words are entered (this means typeable cheats might be possible in the future)
  • See that normal start, rich start? That's going to migrate to a new "backstory" window I'm working on. You'll be able to check off options on a single screen, no more multiple windows just to decide your start
As for the what I've put the most effort into - factories and businesses:
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Edit5:I've finally gotten more than half of the business code fully modularized, and I have started to tinker with the first factory industry to be added to the game - metal refinement. Nothing major or functional yet, but it's a step in the right direction.

I also half-modularized renaming and fully modularized the entirety of business summaries, and while I was at it I turned the company focus actions into a context menu inside the company overview and then modularized that. Now when I want to add a new industry, it'll just take me two lines of code, maybe three. It used to take me 20-30 lines for the same results, so it's a big improvement which'll let me add more content easier for the update.

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Jul 30, 2018
with the latest update, did it remove the ability to form gangs? im having a hard time starting one. also did the update remove pregnancies?


Jun 26, 2017
with the latest update, did it remove the ability to form gangs? im having a hard time starting one. also did the update remove pregnancies?
Gangs are still formable. If I recall, to make a gang you need a pistol and good reputation in your dorm if you're doing the dorm quest. If you aren't then the other character needs to be either a convict or a druggie, iirc.

As for pregnancy, you only have a 1/100 chance to get pregnant every time someone cums in you, so you might've just bad rng. I just checked and it seems the code's still there, so it should be possible.


Jun 26, 2017
Yo, just letting you know I'm still alive, things got kinda weird and hectic IRL (job + coworkers quitting = me doing all the work) but I am still trying to work on updating the mod ^_^.

I'm now working 10 hrs a day and 7 days a week between two jobs, so no promises on an update anytime soon, though. Just letting you know I'm still working on it! ;)(y)

Edit: Still alive, still working on an update! Funny thing about working 7 days a week - it's exhausting! -_-;
I don't really have a choice but to try to find rare time here and there, so progress has been slow, but I! Won't! Give! Up! I like working on this game, and finding more time to work on it has been something gnawing at me this entire time. I wanna do more with this game, dammit! >_<
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