
Active Member
Jun 9, 2017
Made a Zip that has everything from OP+Archive (up to 15.10.2024) and put it into a 1 File-Download.
Keep in mind Pixeldrain slows your download-speed to 1mb/s if you reached your download-limit.
(i recommend getting pro if you download a lot on f95)



MainFolder: 24.10.15 -- Exga

-Fortnite -Monster Hunter -Nier -Overwatch -Others


The animations are sorted into each Character-Name Folder.

Example: 24.10.15 -- Exga -> Nier -> A2 -> Files

The Sorting is based on my own Full Collection of Animation Authors with a slight change.
Personally i have it like this, example: Nier -> A2 -> "Mod-Author" -> Files

This should be up forever (no deleting) unless im told to delete it by Pixeldrain or Exga him/herself.

There are new files ! (4+Versions of older Anims that were missing)(2x60 and 2x63)(Just different Light)
Its everything from OP and the Official Archive put into one File and sorted/cleaned up.

Some Animations are duplicated because there are more than 1 Girl active.

Example: "79 Com2B pat1080p" so the Animation is in Commander´s folder and in 2B´s folder since both are active.

If you are short on storage, delete those duplicates, personally i wont because of the Collection purpose.

(You will probably free up around 1-2 GB with deleting those Duplicates)
(Keep in mind its based of a Character-Collection, duplicates are bound to happen in that case.)

FULL COLLECTION: (As said ONLY Animations)

8.90 GB

(I deleted the 30FPS-Versions IF a 60FPS-Version of the same thing was available, i kept both if i was unsure)

(This Collection should have everything (Animations) released to date since its directly from OP + Official Archives, reply if something is missing)

(I did not change any file-names i kept them as they were in OP and the Archive)
(No i will not split the download, the purpose is a 1-File Download, get Pro+ Account or deal with it)


Mar 20, 2021
Sorry to give everyone hope with this notif but has anyone heard of anything about Exga looks they’ve completely vanished at this point kinda worried.
Before the Patreon was taken down exga did give monthly updates on the reasoning for the large hiatus. Mostly it was just being busy with IRL stuff and working on other backlogged projects. It didn't sound like anything serious to be worried about but I can't be 100% certain. The fact the Patreon hasn't returned in months though IS somewhat concerning however.

There's no activity on Twitter and the discord server was closed long ago. At this point the only point of contact would be to DM him on Twitter or Pixiv but whether he will respond I'm unsure.


Apr 3, 2020
If he make a come back, he gonna see that everything is flooded with AI trash now and he gonna run back to his Cave and gave up :))
  • Yay, update!
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