
New Member
Feb 6, 2023
Why can't non-combat items and skills be used outside of combat? Like resetting statuses before the next mob. No, you have to use part of "healing" only in combat, what nonsense


Game Developer
Dec 14, 2023
After these replies, there will be v0.99c with most bug fixed and struggle system balanced, and a brief tutorial and tips on how to manage the battles and enjoy the game.

Just played through the game, I suppose it ends after Belva defeats werewolf? The skill to switch between Belva and Ahyana does not appear for me so I guess it is WIP kinda like the menu button ”Team”. Considering this, is Ahyana going to be able to face the freak? Also will the town with molester and drug dealer fights be accesible by Belva by any chance?

Also found a bug where sometimes when the freak enters while Belva is sleeping after choosing give up or losing fight against freak, the screen gets stuck on the cg even after the conversation ends.

Lastly, thanks for coming in clutch with the update, the game is even more awesome now!!
Thank you so much! The bug is fixed in v0.99c. The skill 'spirit switch' will only appear when you enter those three monster maps.

I teleported away after saving the goddess from the werewolf but now I can't play as her and the 'realm of lust' doesn't seem to have appeared.
Hi, I tried using scroll of town portal but it teleported me into a wall in the clinic. Just a heads up.
Bug: If the rent is not paid for Belva, she is sent to the parallel universe of Ahyana as a punishment. As a result, it becomes possible to walk for two characters in all locations, but many scenes break down at the same time.
In the parallel dimension when I kill the monsters the corresponding lust doesn't decrease (the game says that the corresponding lust decreases but the value of the stat remain the same). When I left this dimension the corresponding sex skill decreases correctly. Game version 0.99b
Thank you so much for helping finding bugs! These bugs are fixed in v0.99c.

I would also like to clarify, but will there be more humanoid enemies for Belva?
Probably not.

Is there a tutorial for beginners?
Yes, at the end of the replies.

I rescued her from the werewolf and teleported away afterwards but I can't select the team option when entering one of the three zones and even though the 'realm of lust' opened I can't seem to find that either.
It's a skill called 'spirit switch' that will only appear when you enter those three monster maps, not the 'team' option.

How do you access the parallel world with a new save? I went to the clinic but I can't go down the stairs, I can only treat passives..
Quick question. At what point does the parallel dimension open?
After the 'Bestial Hive' is opened.

Bug: after the text "if the godess is not fighting...gained fetis"...the text ends
When and where did you encounter that text? Or can you provide more content of that text so I can locate it? Thank you!

the amount of monster spawn is bs, stuck in the same spot for 214219401809419074193048 amount of time, PLEASE REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MONSTER SPAWN
I understand your frustration. You stuck there is probably not because the monster spawn rate, but because your goddess is already too corrupted. In fact, many players ask to increase the spawn rate and they think the current version of the game is too easy. This is the reason in this version I included a 'Hell mode'.

Is this the final game but just not bug-tested or is there more to come content-wise?
v1.0 will be final but there will be no big update content wise due to my limited spare time in 2025.

This map is unplayable. Why not reduce the number of monsters?
You can always find a way to control the number of monsters before out of control.

I will add for step 2 and 3, the molester specifically only shows up in trains that are heading to the suburbs. Going back and forth between south and east does not seem to spawn him, nor does leaving the suburbs, but heading to the suburbs seems to guarantee it.
That's correct.



Google Drive


Some explanations, brief tutorial, and tips:

1. The game is BATTLE-RAPE focused. Most of H scenes are IN-BATTLE scenes. The H-scenes in each battle have many layers and you can witness the progress of corruption, that the goddess becomes more and more lustful under enemies' sex moves in EACH BATTLE. If you don't like battles, this game is NOT for you and stop wasting your time on this game. This game is not a game of quick walkthrough or CG collecting. It has some level of difficulty and needs some explorations and experiments to find the most efficient way to progress / corrupt. No item or skill in this game is useless. All the key information you need for understanding this game is in the "Realm of Consciousness", take some time to read.

There are two types of battles in this game: battles in main story line and battles in parallel universes.

In main story line the enemies' sexual assaults will lead to changes in the goddess' body, causing corruption. Frequently being sexually assaulted will force the goddess to acquire lewd fetishes, making her more vulnerable, obscene and submissive. If she frequently gets turned on by a type of enemy, her lust for that type of enemy will increase and will be more indulging in being raped by this enemy type. Her attacking power to this type and enemy will become weaker and the enemy will also become more and more skillful at teasing or raping her.

In the parallel universes, the enemies' sexual assaults will not change the goddess' body. Winning the battles in parallel universes can reduce the goddess' lust for certain types of enemies.

Understanding the in-battle H mechanics will help you unlock H scenes and enjoy the game:

1). States: The goddess has 4 states to progress in each battle, different states lead to different H scenes and the goddess will appear more and more lustful with the states progressing.
a. Normal: The goddess is calm and alert and her attacking is powerful and accurate.
b. Aroused: When the horny level of the goddess becomes high, she is aroused and less resistant to enemies sexual assaults. Her attacking becomes weaker.
c. In heat: After the goddess acquires certain fetishes, she will go into heat due to the dirty tricks of enemies that belong to the specific types related to that fetish. For example, if she acquires 'Bitch in Heat', she will go into heat when the dogs spray their precum on her body. When the goddess is in heat, she is less resistant to enemies sexual assaults, and she cannot concentrate on attacking the enemies. As a result, the missing rate of her attacking increases. Some of her skills will also be sealed.
d. Indulging: After the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Female Instinct', she can go into this most lustful state after she is at level 3 clothe damage and her lewdness is higher than 20 and then received 2-3 additional stripping attacks. She will be completely disarmed and become very lewd when she is in this state. There is no 'indulging' states in battles in parallel universes.

2). Submissiveness: The goddess has 3 submissiveness stages to progress for each rape scene. Different submissiveness stages lead to different H scenes and the goddess will appear more and more lustful with the submissiveness stages progressing.
a. When the 'submissiveness' bar is not full: The goddess shows some resistance to the enemies' rape.
b. When the 'submissiveness' bar is full: The goddess loses her reason under the enemies' sexual move.
c. Dominated: After the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Dominated', and when her 'submissiveness' bar is full but the enemies' cocks are still hard after ejaculation, she will be fully dominated by the enemies' strong reproductive power and become very slutty.

3) Sex poses: The enemies have 2 types of rape poses for each rape scene: 'face-to-face' and 'from behind'. Different sex poses lead to different H scenes. If the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Fetish Pose', the enemies can sense which rape pose is her preferred pose that she is less resistant to. Yes, the goddess's sex preference can be trained and the enemies can know her weakness and make her more submissive to their rape attempts.

2. The goddess' sexual desire accumulates over time if not satisfied. The more libido accumulated, the more easily she will be turned on by enemies' lewd attack, and less resistance she will have to their sexual assaults. Masturbation and being creampied can alleviate her desire. She also has menstrual cycle, which may become abnormal if being creampied too much or gets pregnant too frequently.

3. Enemies' rape attempts can be escaped if the escaping rate is high. The escaping rate depends on the goddess' states, sexual desire, resistance, fetishes, and the enemy's aggressiveness. If she is too submissive to an enemy's sexual move, she doesn't even have an option to escape.

4. The goddess' each orgasm in battles increases her lewdness. The higher lewdness, the more quickly the submissiveness bar will be filled. It's dangerous if the goddess' orgasm leads to squirting because after squirting she will be more submissive, at the same time, the enemy will be more excited.

5. If you find the battle becomes too difficult, you probably need to do something to make it more manageable. You can reduce the goddess' sensitivity by 'Anesthetic' pills--they are very cheap, to prevent her getting squirting in the battle too easily. You can find the Witch Doctor to treat her two fetishes 'Addict to Semen' and 'Prone to Squirting', which are the only two fetishes that may cause her to be locked in endless rapes in a battle. You can frequently decrease the goddess' lust for certain types of enemies through wining the battles in parallel universes to revert the decrease of her attacking power due to her lust for those enemies. There are also many items, consumables, and skills you can use to kill an enemy instantly, to remove nasty states, or to increase the attacking power. Spend all your money, spend your money wisely, use the items, consumables, and skills wisely. You will reach that sweet point of enjoying the progressive corruption in each battle.


Sep 10, 2018
After these replies, there will be v0.99c with most bug fixed and struggle system balanced, and a brief tutorial and tips on how to manage the battles and enjoy the game.


Thank you so much! The bug is fixed in v0.99c. The skill 'spirit switch' will only appear when you enter those three monster maps.

Thank you so much for helping finding bugs! These bugs are fixed in v0.99c.

Probably not.

Yes, at the end of the replies.

It's a skill called 'spirit switch' that will only appear when you enter those three monster maps, not the 'team' option.

After the 'Bestial Hive' is opened.

When and where did you encounter that text? Or can you provide more content of that text so I can locate it? Thank you!

I understand your frustration. You stuck there is probably not because the monster spawn rate, but because your goddess is already too corrupted. In fact, many players ask to increase the spawn rate and they think the current version of the game is too easy. This is the reason in this version I included a 'Hell mode'.

v1.0 will be final but there will be no big update content wise due to my limited spare time in 2025.

You can always find a way to control the number of monsters before out of control.

That's correct.



Google Drive


Some explanations, brief tutorial, and tips:

1. The game is BATTLE-RAPE focused. Most of H scenes are IN-BATTLE scenes. The H-scenes in each battle have many layers and you can witness the progress of corruption, that the goddess becomes more and more lustful under enemies' sex moves in EACH BATTLE. If you don't like battles, this game is NOT for you and stop wasting your time on this game. This game is not a game of quick walkthrough or CG collecting. It has some level of difficulty and needs some explorations and experiments to find the most efficient way to progress / corrupt. No item or skill in this game is useless. All the key information you need for understanding this game is in the "Realm of Consciousness", take some time to read.

There are two types of battles in this game: battles in main story line and battles in parallel universes.

In main story line the enemies' sexual assaults will lead to changes in the goddess' body, causing corruption. Frequently being sexually assaulted will force the goddess to acquire lewd fetishes, making her more vulnerable, obscene and submissive. If she frequently gets turned on by a type of enemy, her lust for that type of enemy will increase and will be more indulging in being raped by this enemy type. Her attacking power to this type and enemy will become weaker and the enemy will also become more and more skillful at teasing or raping her.

In the parallel universes, the enemies' sexual assaults will not change the goddess' body. Winning the battles in parallel universes can reduce the goddess' lust for certain types of enemies.

Understanding the in-battle H mechanics will help you unlock H scenes and enjoy the game:

1). States: The goddess has 4 states to progress in each battle, different states lead to different H scenes and the goddess will appear more and more lustful with the states progressing.
a. Normal: The goddess is calm and alert and her attacking is powerful and accurate.
b. Aroused: When the horny level of the goddess becomes high, she is aroused and less resistant to enemies sexual assaults. Her attacking becomes weaker.
c. In heat: After the goddess acquires certain fetishes, she will go into heat due to the dirty tricks of enemies that belong to the specific types related to that fetish. For example, if she acquires 'Bitch in Heat', she will go into heat when the dogs spray their precum on her body. When the goddess is in heat, she is less resistant to enemies sexual assaults, and she cannot concentrate on attacking the enemies. As a result, the missing rate of her attacking increases. Some of her skills will also be sealed.
d. Indulging: After the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Female Instinct', she can go into this most lustful state after she is at level 3 clothe damage and her lewdness is higher than 20 and then received 2-3 additional stripping attacks. She will be completely disarmed and become very lewd when she is in this state. There is no 'indulging' states in battles in parallel universes.

2). Submissiveness: The goddess has 3 submissiveness stages to progress for each rape scene. Different submissiveness stages lead to different H scenes and the goddess will appear more and more lustful with the submissiveness stages progressing.
a. When the 'submissiveness' bar is not full: The goddess shows some resistance to the enemies' rape.
b. When the 'submissiveness' bar is full: The goddess loses her reason under the enemies' sexual move.
c. Dominated: After the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Dominated', and when her 'submissiveness' bar is full but the enemies' cocks are still hard after ejaculation, she will be fully dominated by the enemies' strong reproductive power and become very slutty.

3) Sex poses: The enemies have 2 types of rape poses for each rape scene: 'face-to-face' and 'from behind'. Different sex poses lead to different H scenes. If the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Fetish Pose', the enemies can sense which rape pose is her preferred pose that she is less resistant to. Yes, the goddess's sex preference can be trained and the enemies can know her weakness and make her more submissive to their rape attempts.

2. The goddess' sexual desire accumulates over time if not satisfied. The more libido accumulated, the more easily she will be turned on by enemies' lewd attack, and less resistance she will have to their sexual assaults. Masturbation and being creampied can alleviate her desire. She also has menstrual cycle, which may become abnormal if being creampied too much or gets pregnant too frequently.

3. Enemies' rape attempts can be escaped if the escaping rate is high. The escaping rate depends on the goddess' states, sexual desire, resistance, fetishes, and the enemy's aggressiveness. If she is too submissive to an enemy's sexual move, she doesn't even have an option to escape.

4. The goddess' each orgasm in battles increases her lewdness. The higher lewdness, the more quickly the submissiveness bar will be filled. It's dangerous if the goddess' orgasm leads to squirting because after squirting she will be more submissive, at the same time, the enemy will be more excited.

5. If you find the battle becomes too difficult, you probably need to do something to make it more manageable. You can reduce the goddess' sensitivity by 'Anesthetic' pills--they are very cheap, to prevent her getting squirting in the battle too easily. You can find the Witch Doctor to treat her two fetishes 'Addict to Semen' and 'Prone to Squirting', which are the only two fetishes that may cause her to be locked in endless rapes in a battle. You can frequently decrease the goddess' lust for certain types of enemies through wining the battles in parallel universes to revert the decrease of her attacking power due to her lust for those enemies. There are also many items, consumables, and skills you can use to kill an enemy instantly, to remove nasty states, or to increase the attacking power. Spend all your money, spend your money wisely, use the items, consumables, and skills wisely. You will reach that sweet point of enjoying the progressive corruption in each battle.
Need segs skill we dont need to beat enemy with hard way anyway and thats not fair bcos always enemy act first ;)
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Reactions: ahyana and forgotp


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2021
After these replies, there will be v0.99c with most bug fixed and struggle system balanced, and a brief tutorial and tips on how to manage the battles and enjoy the game.


Thank you so much! The bug is fixed in v0.99c. The skill 'spirit switch' will only appear when you enter those three monster maps.

Thank you so much for helping finding bugs! These bugs are fixed in v0.99c.

Probably not.

Yes, at the end of the replies.

It's a skill called 'spirit switch' that will only appear when you enter those three monster maps, not the 'team' option.

After the 'Bestial Hive' is opened.

When and where did you encounter that text? Or can you provide more content of that text so I can locate it? Thank you!

I understand your frustration. You stuck there is probably not because the monster spawn rate, but because your goddess is already too corrupted. In fact, many players ask to increase the spawn rate and they think the current version of the game is too easy. This is the reason in this version I included a 'Hell mode'.

v1.0 will be final but there will be no big update content wise due to my limited spare time in 2025.

You can always find a way to control the number of monsters before out of control.

That's correct.



Google Drive


Some explanations, brief tutorial, and tips:

1. The game is BATTLE-RAPE focused. Most of H scenes are IN-BATTLE scenes. The H-scenes in each battle have many layers and you can witness the progress of corruption, that the goddess becomes more and more lustful under enemies' sex moves in EACH BATTLE. If you don't like battles, this game is NOT for you and stop wasting your time on this game. This game is not a game of quick walkthrough or CG collecting. It has some level of difficulty and needs some explorations and experiments to find the most efficient way to progress / corrupt. No item or skill in this game is useless. All the key information you need for understanding this game is in the "Realm of Consciousness", take some time to read.

There are two types of battles in this game: battles in main story line and battles in parallel universes.

In main story line the enemies' sexual assaults will lead to changes in the goddess' body, causing corruption. Frequently being sexually assaulted will force the goddess to acquire lewd fetishes, making her more vulnerable, obscene and submissive. If she frequently gets turned on by a type of enemy, her lust for that type of enemy will increase and will be more indulging in being raped by this enemy type. Her attacking power to this type and enemy will become weaker and the enemy will also become more and more skillful at teasing or raping her.

In the parallel universes, the enemies' sexual assaults will not change the goddess' body. Winning the battles in parallel universes can reduce the goddess' lust for certain types of enemies.

Understanding the in-battle H mechanics will help you unlock H scenes and enjoy the game:

1). States: The goddess has 4 states to progress in each battle, different states lead to different H scenes and the goddess will appear more and more lustful with the states progressing.
a. Normal: The goddess is calm and alert and her attacking is powerful and accurate.
b. Aroused: When the horny level of the goddess becomes high, she is aroused and less resistant to enemies sexual assaults. Her attacking becomes weaker.
c. In heat: After the goddess acquires certain fetishes, she will go into heat due to the dirty tricks of enemies that belong to the specific types related to that fetish. For example, if she acquires 'Bitch in Heat', she will go into heat when the dogs spray their precum on her body. When the goddess is in heat, she is less resistant to enemies sexual assaults, and she cannot concentrate on attacking the enemies. As a result, the missing rate of her attacking increases. Some of her skills will also be sealed.
d. Indulging: After the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Female Instinct', she can go into this most lustful state after she is at level 3 clothe damage and her lewdness is higher than 20 and then received 2-3 additional stripping attacks. She will be completely disarmed and become very lewd when she is in this state. There is no 'indulging' states in battles in parallel universes.

2). Submissiveness: The goddess has 3 submissiveness stages to progress for each rape scene. Different submissiveness stages lead to different H scenes and the goddess will appear more and more lustful with the submissiveness stages progressing.
a. When the 'submissiveness' bar is not full: The goddess shows some resistance to the enemies' rape.
b. When the 'submissiveness' bar is full: The goddess loses her reason under the enemies' sexual move.
c. Dominated: After the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Dominated', and when her 'submissiveness' bar is full but the enemies' cocks are still hard after ejaculation, she will be fully dominated by the enemies' strong reproductive power and become very slutty.

3) Sex poses: The enemies have 2 types of rape poses for each rape scene: 'face-to-face' and 'from behind'. Different sex poses lead to different H scenes. If the goddess acquires a fetish called 'Fetish Pose', the enemies can sense which rape pose is her preferred pose that she is less resistant to. Yes, the goddess's sex preference can be trained and the enemies can know her weakness and make her more submissive to their rape attempts.

2. The goddess' sexual desire accumulates over time if not satisfied. The more libido accumulated, the more easily she will be turned on by enemies' lewd attack, and less resistance she will have to their sexual assaults. Masturbation and being creampied can alleviate her desire. She also has menstrual cycle, which may become abnormal if being creampied too much or gets pregnant too frequently.

3. Enemies' rape attempts can be escaped if the escaping rate is high. The escaping rate depends on the goddess' states, sexual desire, resistance, fetishes, and the enemy's aggressiveness. If she is too submissive to an enemy's sexual move, she doesn't even have an option to escape.

4. The goddess' each orgasm in battles increases her lewdness. The higher lewdness, the more quickly the submissiveness bar will be filled. It's dangerous if the goddess' orgasm leads to squirting because after squirting she will be more submissive, at the same time, the enemy will be more excited.

5. If you find the battle becomes too difficult, you probably need to do something to make it more manageable. You can reduce the goddess' sensitivity by 'Anesthetic' pills--they are very cheap, to prevent her getting squirting in the battle too easily. You can find the Witch Doctor to treat her two fetishes 'Addict to Semen' and 'Prone to Squirting', which are the only two fetishes that may cause her to be locked in endless rapes in a battle. You can frequently decrease the goddess' lust for certain types of enemies through wining the battles in parallel universes to revert the decrease of her attacking power due to her lust for those enemies. There are also many items, consumables, and skills you can use to kill an enemy instantly, to remove nasty states, or to increase the attacking power. Spend all your money, spend your money wisely, use the items, consumables, and skills wisely. You will reach that sweet point of enjoying the progressive corruption in each battle.
Your game is really impressive, and I really enjoy it despite it still needing some slight tweaking and polish. I hope you someday make a similar game to this one with what you've learned from it.

I'm also in a "fine, I'll do it myself" situation with some spanking fetish games (also with bondage and D/s) I've been working on and experimenting with. You really inspired me with how you've worked this one out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Ok game with OK corruption mechanics but I find the Pregnancy mechanics somewhat undesirable since I'm much more into Pregnancy mechanics like Violate Heroine or Lona RPG. Just my opinion.


Dec 9, 2019
After these replies, there will be v0.99c with most bug fixed and struggle system balanced, and a brief tutorial and tips on how to manage the battles and enjoy the game.
First off, thanks for making this game. It's a fun game with a solid vision. There was definitely some weirdness to get used to, but it mostly makes sense once I figured out that everything is there to force the goddess to get corrupted. Even if you can one-shot enemies, they still get to molest her to push her deeper into it because they always get the first action. Items drop you out of the menu so you can't completely cure yourself while surrounded. Combat at the start is slow because that builds up corruption to work with later on. And if you're not careful, the goddess will get bred by a dozen goblins before being able to escape.

All the key information you need for understanding this game is in the "Realm of Consciousness", take some time to read.
This is REALLY hard to read. Having to keep entering numbers to read the next section is awful. And for some reason it costs stamina, too? Why can't it just be a couple pages of text. A nice readable help file, like the very informative bottom section of you post.

I think the struggle system is too hard now in .99c. I'm doing Belva's monster right now with a virgin Belva in Hell mode, and my wrist is starting to hurt, and the monster is only 70% dead. I never want to do this again, it takes way too long with too much fast tapping.

I noticed seen some untranslated text in 0.99b/c, Belva's name in her combat win text, and during Ahyana's fight with the demon in the first part of the game
9gJTLFA[1].jpeg puwmVBC[1].png
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Oct 29, 2018
I assume I encountered a bugg while fighting the minotaur with Belva.

The sex animations triggers the ones with the dog, only her orgasming trigger the minotaur's image.
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Jun 24, 2018
After these replies, there will be v0.99c with most bug fixed and struggle system balanced, and a brief tutorial and tips on how to manage the battles and enjoy the game.


When and where did you encounter that text? Or can you provide more content of that text so I can locate it? Thank you!
I reloaded the game before the bug, but the bug did not fire up again.
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New Member
Jan 4, 2025
how do yoy use spirit switch? I Unlocked Belva, i killed the first boss, but now i am stuck in the bestial hive and i can't defeat the last boss since i can't enter the boss cave. The game says: only Ahyana can defeat the boos. Any clue?


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
how do yoy use spirit switch? I Unlocked Belva, i killed the first boss, but now i am stuck in the bestial hive and i can't defeat the last boss since i can't enter the boss cave. The game says: only Ahyana can defeat the boos. Any clue?
Before entering the fight with the boss, when you're in the cave, look at the skill section. Spirit Switch is there.
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New Member
Jan 4, 2025
Ok i have defeated the Orc, now what? the game is ended? DO i need to switch character again? How do you enter the realm inside the house?
Oct 13, 2020
It's made by a single person. Give him some love because he deserves it.
Dont get me wrong, i am not saying its a bad game, quite the opposite, there are a many things about the game i like a lot and i would like to play it a lot more but the combat system (which is the only part of the game i would consider not very good) takes me right out of it and i wish it would be streamlined to be flow better.

I am trying to point out a negative hoping it will get fixed cause i think the game deserves to get more recognition.


Sep 27, 2016
Even at more than 1000 of "Lust for public sex" my exorcism goddess doesn't have this fetish. I don't know if this is a bug or if this fetish are translated in English in a different way (the exhibitionism fetish it's the same?). Game version 0.99c (but I started with 0.99a).
And compliment for this game that it's really intriguing
Screenshot 2025-01-02 214447.png


Mar 15, 2018
Awesome game, love it !

I have defeated all wilddogs in the there a boss to kill or something, or should I go to the next area (Goblins)? Does the story continue? If so, how?
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Reactions: ahyana


May 23, 2017
I am assuming Female Instinct and Dominated won't trigger in the parallel dimension? i've been trying to get it to trigger for ages now...

One thing that i wish this game had - is that when "giving up" in a fight - i wish there was a "true defeat" type of option.... so in essence when you give up you are presented with two options:

1) Standard give up , image of sex, and then respawn at the entrance of the dungeon...


2) True defeat - leads to a game over scene where it shows the heroine pregnant as a seedbed


Dec 9, 2019
Awesome game, love it !

I have defeated all wilddogs in the there a boss to kill or something, or should I go to the next area (Goblins)? Does the story continue? If so, how?
Go to the next area. The boss of the dog map should be done after you can clear all 3 of the mass-spawn maps.
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3.40 star(s) 30 Votes