What do you do after you find the Secret passage and see the Weird Girl? I know I saw a scene with a white hair guy and a girl in the library but, I can't trigger it now?
Also is there anything useful in the Kitchen because I could not find anything?
Mmkay just went through the walkthrough vid.
Start Game:
-When MC says, "Almost fell asleep", click on book in the left corner for dream scene.
-Go to Elena's office and go through dialogue.
-Exit Elena's office and move mouse to the bottom left corner to find scene with Nikita
-Go to Home and dream
-Go to Uncle's house and enter the Library where you click on the table on the right to get the small key
-Go to Elena's Bedroom and click left button until you get to her dresser.
-Use the key to open the drawer and click the right button until the bed to view scene
-Click right button until you face the painting on the wall and then click the woman's naked bum and play out the scene.
-Click right button until you are facing the table and chairs then click smaller table and chair next to the piano to pick up pictures of the nun.
-Leave the room and go to the library then click the left button until you face the book cases.
-Click the book cases and then click the candle stick that is in between them right behind the lamp
-Leave the library and go to the bathroom and then move forward to the camera and view yourself
-Move backwards and hit the bottom button and then pick up the photo next to the door.
-Hit the bottom button and then click on the bathtub to view the scene.
-Leave the room and then go to the Ben's office and click the left button until you see the piano, there is a book you can click that is in the right bookcase(does nothing yet).
-Click the right button until you are back at his desk and then click the bottom right drawer as well as the photo on top of the desk on the left next to the lamp.
-Return to the bookcase near the piano and click on the book again.
-Leave the room and go to the Library.
-Click the left button until you see the couch and click on it to view the scene.
-Click the left button until you are back at the dual bookcases and click on the candle which will now open the secret passage.
- Click on the picture, then the alter, then the book, and then click on the picture again to view the initial scene with trans 2B.
-Leave the secret room and click the right button until you are facing the entrance to the library.
-Click the Globe and view the scene.
-Leave the house, go back to town, and then go to Elena's house for the last scene.