Considering how common rape and torture are in the real world
Sorry, but this is definitely not true, atleast for the audience of this website, which I assume is mostly constituted of people from the "westernized world". In our society, rape and torture are very
uncommon, and are severely looked down upon on top of being very important crimes. Our society has decided for quite some time now that both consent and human rights are capital things in the life of every individual, and anyone going against that will be considered the deviant individual and "corrected". To me it's really telling that rape and
attempting to rape are both crimes that are punished equally.
Maybe it speaks more to me because I don't belong to any social group ever (yeah look at me I'm so special). Trying to write an exhaustive list of my fetishes/labels as a sexual individual (so, I'm a "bisexual woman - but with a clear preference for women - who can also be attracted to well-portrayed furry characters depending on the situation they are in and also--") would be near impossible and needlessly long. Fact is I just consider sex/porn to be a part of life, just like I enjoy searching for new music genres to listen to or movies to watch, I'm simply curious. But does that mean I would want to act out the totality of the fetishes I came across? I hope not, some are very disturbing.
You could say I'm the exception but that simply seems unlikely. To me it sounds like medias trying to paint GTA as the game that is actively producing mass shooters. It's coincidental in some cases involving specific players, but for the rest of them, that's plain silly. I do believe most people can tell the difference between what they see on a television screen and the real world, and if they can't, it's their own problem. Certainly not Rockstar's.
Fact is, if those people feel those urges and have the ability to do it for realsies, they'll - probably - eventually do it, regardless of what games they've been playing. I don't see why it should be any different when it comes to porn, which was, by the way, often presented to me as something that is "definitely not similar to real life".
At any rate, to come back to the main topic, I agree with the people mentionning humiliation, as it is often paired with the "bimbofication" and all the variants. I find the fetish exciting when the character feels great pleasure from that situation - being forced into joining the other team - even though that's something they did not expect before. In Perverted Education, the character is initally reluctant when it comes to suck some cocks, but does it more willingly later in the game (atleast that's how I remembered it).
Basically, it's a big mix of humiliation, shame, and unadmitted pleasure. But I can't speak for the castration stuff, that really doesn't speak to me at all.