PhoenixFirefly, that's all well and good, but this game, for example, has each day broken up into 4 time periods, which involves several clicks. Plus, you have to remember what you did last time from a game you played a month ago, or have written down your own script. Then, some developers of this kind of game like to add mini-games of various shades of interest and difficulty. Some of them are truly maddening to have to replay each time a developer decides to have us restart. Nuts to that. My Cute Cousin, is an example. If the developer of that game ever forces me to restart, I just won't.
If you like to do the replays every time, whether required or not (and many do), more power to you. I just don't have the time. Cheats help, if you know how to use them, and are careful - you can wind up breaking things. I just think there are too many good games out there that don't requite repetition.