Hi WillyJL,
first of all I need to say that your tool is awsome. Keep up the nice work. I've already used some other tools and this is my favourite so far because it's fast and somewhat minimalistic. However, since the latter I have got some feature requests that might be interesting to have.
My setup:
My games are all located inside one GAMES folder and each game name corresponds to the games thread name including the current game version e.g. "GAMEN NAME [v.X.Y.Z]". If there is a walkthrough (pdf, doc) I save it inside the game folder.
Now to my feature requests (suggestions):
1. Add right click support to the game name filed that opens a context menu with the following actions (there might be more)
- Open game folder
- Open walkthrough (if *.pdf or .doc is present in game folder, automatic detection)
- Check (Rename game folder to thread name including version, set game flags)
2. Add global GAMES directory support. The dir can be used to checked for new games or old versions (see 3 and 4)
- Support recursive directory iteration. People might use subfolders (Good, bad game, like, awesome etc.) to organize games on a folder basis
3. When adding a game manually (using the add button) checked if the game is already present in the games directory.
- Update the game version flag accordingly.
4. Bulk add new games - this might extend the refresh functionality. (Prerequisite: On or multiple new games have been downloaded to to the game directory)
- Iterate the games folder and add not yet listed games to the list (no need for adding each game individually)
- Automatically detect the current game version flag
- maybe add a "new game" icon to the list name for the next couple of tool starts (maybe based on date stamp)
5. Automatically find the game executable for each game so it can be started right away without the need for manually locating the exe in the game folder when clicking the start button.
- Let the user choose the default bit version (64bit or 32bit) should be included in the exe name, if both are present in the game folder.
6. Track when a game was last started using the tool. Add this information to the game tooltip page or the list (sortable). This way everybody might track when the game was last played. (play "old" games again)
7. Manually select browser location. I've firefox installed and running, but i can't use the firefox button to select it as default to open games thread pages.
Thats all for now. I hope some of the features are worth having a look at