Is there a way of Importing game collection? maybe some way of Adding a folder?
not as of right now, and im not too keen on implementing one. as much as i understand you with the struggle, i dont want to bloat the tool more than necessary. its root purpose is checking updates, the rest is added functionality and the reason i started developing my own tool is because the game list manager was too complex and i didnt want anything that interacted with my filesystem, i wanted to do that myself.
what will come in the future is a way to add multiple links at the same time, and an easy way to export all the links currently in your list and also a way to export the full configuration file, including settings, notes etc... and also import one back.
also im guessing you crossed the line about editing f95checker.json manually because you figured it out, but yea as long as you know what you are doing you can surely edit the config file, just do it with the tool closed as it only reads from disk at startup and will overwrite your changes with the values in memory
A Follow-on Question I See the App checks online Versions, would it be possible for it to check against the version a person already has?
what do you mean? like show what version you have installed and what is the latest available? if thats what you mean im sorry but no, again id prefer to keep this from interacting with game folders and so on as much as possible
EDIT: though i might add an option to not reset the game path when you deselect the installed checkbox / when there is an update, so that if you always keep the files in the same folder and just overwrite them they will keep working without having to reselect the exe file. however to help with the struggle ill say what i do personally: i keep my F95Checker folder in the same place i keep my game folders, but keep it to the top by putting a ! in from of the folder name. having it in the same place means that when i go to select a game executable i just have to go up by one folder and then go into the right game folder, thats the least painful way to do it probably.