Tool Others F95Checker [WillyJL]

5.00 star(s) 24 Votes


Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
@WillyJL tested build 270 everything works fine. There is a small issue on the game info page, but nothing major. (Wrote about it in issues on github)
glad to hear, also just pushed the fix!

Also probably not in the current release, but it would be great to see the possibility of folding under the spoilers of the game description. IMO the user is usually interested in the changelog and their own notes. A description is only needed if he forgot what the game is about.
yea i also feel like its kinda badly designed... im thinking maybe a tab bar where you can flip between description, changelog, tags and notes, since those are the part that take up the most space. something like this since its a base widget in imgui:

Oh and notes. So far, a few words are fine, but if, for example, you copy the walkthrough and / or FAQ there, it becomes difficult to use this window. Maybe add a forced wrapping of the text that goes beyond the border and the ability to increase the size in height?
notes and other inputs would really benefit from many improvements but sadly its not really that doable at the moment. first of all they hae a fixed character buffer size which is due to thee C++ nature of imgui. in C++ you can setup a callback to resize the buffer automatically when the user inputs or removes text, but in python thats not doable due to pointers and other bs not being a thing in python. the ppyimgui de is working on a way to dynamically resize the buffers but that wont come for another few months.
for the text wrapping i had a friend already ask about it but its not easily doable. imgui itself does not expose a flag to wrap text, so what id have to do is every time the user inputs some text it would have to go through the whole text and check if a line is too long and wrap it by adding a newline character. thats not real wrapping, that would just be automating what you do right now by hand. and even then, if the text was automatically wrapped, when you go and add a new word to a line it might have to wrap again, leaving just 1 word on the next line... so it would need some complex logic...
and the cherry on top is that i dont think theres even a flag to show a horizontal scroll bar, so that just adds confusion to he end user...
i agree that notes need a rework but im not sure how exactly for now.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
One question though... Why does it need elevated privs in Win10? Always causes a UAC dialog on start... kinda annoying
youre not the first to ask, and i keep forgetting to fix it. i dont really remember why i added it in the first place, it was long ago so i dont know if its needed anymore, ill test a bit and maybe remove it in the next update.
So did you find that elevated permissions were necessary, or just never get around to looking into it?

Edit 1: Also, is there any way to increase the size of the interface? Or at least the text in each game entry? It's way too small for me to read easily. For reference I need to put most sites including F95 at 150% zoom...

Edit 2: If you add a URL like "" (that's the kind URL you get if you right-click on a game's entry in Latest Updates and select Copy Link) the game's image isn't recognized. I guess because the title of the game's entry in the json file is messed up:
        "to/threads/74670": {
            "name": "Monster Girl 1,000",
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Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
So did you find that elevated permissions were necessary, or just never get around to looking into it?

Edit 1: Also, is there any way to increase the size of the interface? Or at least the text in each game entry? It's way too small for me to read easily. For reference I need to put most sites including F95 at 150% zoom...
ill catch you up on the like last 10 pages of comments

ive been rewriting the whole tool from scratch and doing it right. uac is fixed and not necessary anymore. interface scaling is implemented in the upcoming update.

Edit 2: If you add a URL like "" (that's the kind URL you get if you right-click on a game's entry in Latest Updates and select Copy Link) the game's image isn't recognized. I guess because the title of the game's entry in the json file is messed up:
the json mess up is indeed the issue, and its a known issue of the current release, check in the OP under install instruction for a link to the fix. it is properly fixed in the upcoming update

read this about the upcoming update
The current release of f95cjecker is quite old and I’m aware it is quite problematic... in the past 2 months I’ve been rewriting it completely from scratch, and it’s very close to release; totally usable as a replacement for current release. Give the latest build a shot!
Btw that link will always show new builds when I request them
Just look for the newest entry with a green tickmark and download the artifact appropriate for your system. Keep in mind you will need a GitHub account to download the dev builds. Otherwise you can wait about a week or so for the official release, but if you can try out the beta I could also get more feedback about it so please consider it!


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Well crap. Sorry about that and thanks for the summary.

I had installed Python for Windows so I could tweak the current version. Managed to accomplish most of what I wanted including scraping and storing the value of Release Date: and adding an option to sort by that value. I started looked at the last 10 pages and it seems like you're adding that option? Anyway, I'll continue reading and check out the Windows binary artifact when I have the time.

One thing I couldn't work out though. There's one game I'm tracking that starts with a lower case letter (iNSight of you). Due to the sorting algorithm, it ends up at the very end of the list when sorting alphabetically. I don't really understand lambdas so I couldn't figure out a way to do the sorting with sorted() and str.casefold().


Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
One thing I couldn't work out though. There's one game I'm tracking that starts with a lower case letter (iNSight of you). Due to the sorting algorithm, it ends up at the very end of the list when sorting alphabetically. I don't really understand lambdas so I couldn't figure out a way to do the sorting with sorted() and str.casefold().
not really to do with lambdas. lambdas are inline function definitions that return what you define inside them.
example = lambda text: text.lower()
# abcd
the sorting functions in python take a function as the key, basically the function should returrn the value to use to compare items and therefore sort them in a particular way. for some reason by default sorting is case sensitivve and i hadnt noticed it, so it does that. solution wouldjust be adding a .lower() to the end of the value in the lamdba. this is fixed in the upcoming update btw

Managed to accomplish most of what I wanted including scraping and storing the value of Release Date: and adding an option to sort by that value. I started looked at the last 10 pages and it seems like you're adding that option? Anyway, I'll continue reading and check out the Windows binary artifact when I have the time.
good job on managing that, but yes it is in the upcoming update. in total it supports:
- name
- version
- status
- developer
- type (game engine / post type)
- last updated (what you implemented)
- last played
- added on
- tags
- description (overview)
- changelog
- notes
- personal star rating


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2020
8.5 question
i'm using firefox as my default browser (it set both in firefox and win10 default app settings) and chrome as backup, but in Checker only chrome and edge buttons are active
i checked inside it supposed to find FF by looking for Firefox-308046B0AF4A39CB in registry, but mine is Firefox-E7CF176E110C211B, google says something about difference in installation path of FF ("Program Files" vs "Program Files (x86)"), either way - simply modifying doesn't do anything for me and FF button still not available, any way to fix this?
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Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
8.5 question
i'm using firefox as my default browser (it set both in firefox and win10 default app settings) and chrome as backup, but in Checker only chrome and edge buttons are active
i checked inside it supposed to find FF by looking for Firefox-308046B0AF4A39CB in registry, but mine is Firefox-E7CF176E110C211B, google says something about difference in installation path of FF ("Program Files" vs "Program Files (x86)"), either way - simply modifying doesn't do anything for me and FF button still not available, any way to fix this?
Up to 8.5 the release packages included both source code and the binaries for windows. The compiled binaries include a compiled copy of all the scripts inside the exe itself, so modifying the loose script is not gonna change the compiled script inside the exe. From 9.0 this will be clearer since there will be 4 available downloads: binaries for windows, Linux, macOS, and a packaged source release.

mob 8.5 you won’t fix this unless you run from source and modify the file yourself. On the upcoming 9.0 update this is not yet fixed and I was not aware of this bug so I will fix it properly soon. However if you use the 9.0 beta you can setup a custom browser by selecting the executable yourself, that seems like the most sensible solution until I fix it properly. For how touse the betabuilds read in the comments above, I feel like I copy pasted the message like dozens of timeslol
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Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
8.5 question
i'm using firefox as my default browser (it set both in firefox and win10 default app settings) and chrome as backup, but in Checker only chrome and edge buttons are active
i checked inside it supposed to find FF by looking for Firefox-308046B0AF4A39CB in registry, but mine is Firefox-E7CF176E110C211B, google says something about difference in installation path of FF ("Program Files" vs "Program Files (x86)"), either way - simply modifying doesn't do anything for me and FF button still not available, any way to fix this?
bit of an update, i managed to make it detect all browsers installed on the system, regardless of what they are saved as, as long as they are in SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet
found a solution for linux too, and thats what youre seeing here, still need to test on windows. macos is unimplemented for now, so im not gonna release a build for now.
EDIT: tested on windows, works great from what i can tell. ill set it up for macos tomorrow

only downside so far is that ive found no consistent way to detect the commandline argument for prriate / incognito mode, so some exotic browsers might not start in private mode correctly
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Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
Also probably not in the current release, but it would be great to see the possibility of folding under the spoilers of the game description. IMO the user is usually interested in the changelog and their own notes. A description is only needed if he forgot what the game is about.
Oh and notes. So far, a few words are fine, but if, for example, you copy the walkthrough and / or FAQ there, it becomes difficult to use this window. Maybe add a forced wrapping of the text that goes beyond the border and the ability to increase the size in height?
what we thinking?
View attachment Record_F95Checker_20220701011444.mp4


Dec 19, 2020
This must be nearing release now huh? I'm still running the old version so hopefully it transports over easily when it comes out lol.
Just an idea bouncing off the changelog stuff and custom notes, perhaps there should be a custom icon that appears alongside the other icons to indicate when the custom notes section isn't blank, meaning I've put something in there for some specific reason (game codes, thoughts etc) so I can see at a glance if I return to a game after a while or whatever the reason may be just so it's not easily 'forgetable' to not check it compared to feeling like i "need" to check it in case I have added custom notes or not.


Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
This must be nearing release now huh? I'm still running the old version so hopefully it transports over easily when it comes out lol.
Almost yea. Just need to finish the auto update stuff, implement browsers in macOS and fix a bug on macOS. And yea it should move over fine, and it shouldn’t touch the old config file so you could always go back to the old version if something goes wrong.

Just an idea bouncing off the changelog stuff and custom notes, perhaps there should be a custom icon that appears alongside the other icons to indicate when the custom notes section isn't blank, meaning I've put something in there for some specific reason (game codes, thoughts etc) so I can see at a glance if I return to a game after a while or whatever the reason may be just so it's not easily 'forgetable' to not check it compared to feeling like i "need" to check it in case I have added custom notes or not.
Yes that’s a good idea. I’ll see if there’s some way to do that using plain imgui, if not I’ll just add a small dot to the tab name.


Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
Just an idea bouncing off the changelog stuff and custom notes, perhaps there should be a custom icon that appears alongside the other icons to indicate when the custom notes section isn't blank, meaning I've put something in there for some specific reason (game codes, thoughts etc) so I can see at a glance if I return to a game after a while or whatever the reason may be just so it's not easily 'forgetable' to not check it compared to feeling like i "need" to check it in case I have added custom notes or not.
here you go, now all tabs have an icon and they are all dynamic, indicating whether you have written some notes or if the game does not have a changelog etc...
View attachment Record_F95Checker_20220702184823.mp4


Dec 19, 2020
here you go, now all tabs have an icon and they are all dynamic, indicating whether you have written some notes or if the game does not have a changelog etc...
View attachment 1902590
I think you misunderstood what I meant. This is still requiring you to click into the game page UI itself which is what I wanted to avoid. I was referring too adding an icon in the game list beside the game name. Here's a mock-up example of what I mean. The parts you added does make it feel more polished as well though so that looks good.



Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
I think you misunderstood what I meant. This is still requiring you to click into the game page UI itself which is what I wanted to avoid. I was referring too adding an icon in the game list beside the game name. Here's a mock-up example of what I mean. The parts you added does make it feel more polished as well though so that looks good.

yea that would be doable, keep in mind though that you can actually see the whole first line of the notes by enabling that column, and it is resizable:
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May 11, 2019
Would it be possible to allow marking games as complete without marking them as installed? To use this as a completed game tracker at the same time, while still checking for any DLC updates or such.


Veni, vidi, vici
Respected User
Mar 7, 2019
Would it be possible to allow marking games as complete without marking them as installed? To use this as a completed game tracker at the same time, while still checking for any DLC updates or such.
upcoming update has had that for a few months, release should be nearly ready
5.00 star(s) 24 Votes