That's a shame. Many of us won't play without knowing what fetishes to expect in the future. You can tell us whether a Lesbian only route is available without spoiling the story. Also, anytime anyone doesn't rule out from the beginning that there won't be NTR then a lot of people aren't going to even give it a chance. Many of us have been lied to by developers and many others have sold out because they weren't firm in their beliefs. We want to know that what your producing is compatable with our interests before we spend our time and money on it. Good luck and if you change your mind I'll check it out.
I did see further in the thread that you addressed the lesbian only route so thank you for that.
Thank you for visiting the thread and for leaving a comment as I really do appreciate it as I do appreciate every single comment. Took some time to figure out my reply to you in general. Respectably as you summarized at the end of your comment on the prior page (page 3) I have actually once and for all confirmed that this game is going to be lesbian only.
There will be no female on male content from the MC in this game. If any female-on-male character scenes got added (unlikely) then it would be very minor scenes, that you would see others doing, not yourself. Likewise, on an even (higher unlikely scenario that the mc female could have sexual scenes with males), that would be entirely optional and avoidable. But that is even less likely than you as the MC seeing one of the girls getting it on with a guy in the background as an example.
[ Later added/edited note ] regarding
"Many of us have been lied to by developers and many others have sold out because they weren't firm in their beliefs. We want to know that what your producing is compatable with our interests before we spend our time and money on it. "
I have played many AVN's myself, and have even supported various devs. Of course, I am making a game that is in my vision; therefore will in the end create it how I intend, as opposed to having groups of people tell me otherwise. Constructive feedback and suggestions of course are always warmly welcomed and accepted. Also just like when I worked on my last project, where I created many thousands of renders over a two-year period (that version never got released to the public past initial testing), I have never asked for a dime. If people are not investing then a dev have no obligation to them. And
if I ever add the option for people to donate in the future, that'll be and
will always be their own choice with no pay-walled content. Those who donate to a game and receive specific perks and promises in that case do have an obligation from that dev to deliver in the end. But those who would donate do so as they'd want to first and foremost support me, followed by the fact that they enjoy my work. As we devs are human, need our coffee/to eat as well as pay our bills. Not to influence/dictate the direction of the game as donating is and always will be optional and never felt forced. And the beauty of donating is that people can donate and stop whenever they choose.
And it is up to each individual to decide on their own if they feel that their money, whether small or big deserves to go to a specific developer.
For some devs it works, when they have their community vote/decide what gets added or how the game goes but what I create will always be my vision of how I intend to make it; otherwise it'll become a mess and not even a shadow of what I intend for it to be. And believe me,
I do understand more than anyone what it's like to have devs disappoint their fans. Forgetting other game projects, focusing just on the AVN community alone (without naming any names or games), I have seen many devs, including great devs disappoint me, as with others for various different reasons. Some reasons were intentional, whiles some were purely out of their control. So despite the disappointment, I don't hold it against them in that final regard. I think that the key is to both not raise your expectations too high and for devs to not make promises that they cannot keep. Granted not everyone will be happy with that, but that is the best way. Is why I have taken the route to not declare what is not in the game until it's in. If people play my game it'll be because they want to try something different and I imagine most of the players will be nostalgic for the 80's and the horror genre. Just for the fact that I won't have harem as an option or male content will immediately tick off a good number of people and am okay with that, as I am creating for a more specialized sort of audience. This added note is less of me having a rant, or maybe it is but is more of me just being real with you as another person to show that I'm a human just like everyone else.
I have made it clear also in relation to where
NTR is being considered, which is with one character only and for one scene,
which does have a purpose and is not for the sake of it. It has not been added yet; therefore is not a confirmed tag and until I get to writing that scene I will not know for certain. So I won't rule it out if there is a possibility of me adding it. I am writing a VN that focuses first and foremost on the story and characters before the lewds and in life, people cheat or upset others by sleeping with others when sleeping with you too. Is plenty of games that are not NTR,
so you have two respectable choices about this: Either don't play the game at all,
or "if" that scene goes ahead in the future, avoid that girls path. I will as a spoiler, if people want to know, will tell who it is and if it's avoidable. So in a nutshell, if that scene gets added you can avoid that scene entirely by avoiding that one girls route. So at the very least, I do plan for you to be able to avoid it as a minimum if you avoid that girl. If I make that scene avoidable also if you follow that girl's route if it gets added then you'll also get to play that characters route if you follow it correctly to avoid that scene.
I have a detailed written brief document that I add to, where I make notes/paths/character profiles/story etc as I continue to develop the story and plan the game out. So Is better for me to know where I want to go from start to end of the game. But until I get to that scene and every single scene including "sex" scenes I cannot 100% guarantee what is going to be added tag wise, even if I have an idea of certain ones that I do plan to add. I refuse though to add "X, y and Z" tags, because if they don't end up getting added it'll lead to a massive disappointment to the entire player base. But as development progresses yes I will update the tags, and there will be more tags than what is currently listed.
I hope that have made my intentions clear and I hope that there is some satisfaction in my response, even if you have not been told exactly all the tags that'll be in the game in the future.
But as I said you'll as a minimum be able to miss that one NTR scene, if it gets added for definite by avoiding that girls route.