If you call savanna in your bureau before she is your slave you just get a black screen with a love pics, text or error, just only the love bonus.
The pictures or videos in alinas house are missing if you break in for the first time, this time with missing picture errors
Oh, and maybe my eyes are too tired, but could you darken kendras green textbackground a bit? Its a little hard to read the white text in the bright green
And i dunno if its possible or if you would even look into it, but it would be nice if the questlog could be sortet by date. There are lots of quests for weekends or other fix days and personally i would prefer to see the things that can be done today or even right now on the first look instead of reading them all every time and searching the ones i dont have to wait for.
Btw, i dont know if i just played stupid or if the last 2 girls are meant to be adria and whitney...but always waiting for weekend, talking in bureau and again waiting for weekend with nothing to do in the meantime screems for a better skip option, something like "skip to day x". Another question regarding weekends...some weekend-quests could only be solved saturdays but not sundays...dunno if this is some american point of view or just bugged, but for me and everyone else in germany sunday is the second part of every weekend ^^
That being said, i liked the game so far. Just one small detail is missing...a few girls like to play with other girls, some from the beginning, some because of you, however, you never run into a lesbian scene except it is quest releated. For example, there should be times were elsa shouldnt stand bored in the living room but plays with your sisters, maybe even asks if you want to watch ^^