I've seen too many lazy people and people who get confused on how to get this to work so im typing up a little revised "How to" for the 4.5 cracked install guide: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Go to this mega link and because of the size mega suggest you dl and install Megasync, you will also need to register an account on mega for this but no payment information is required, fill one out, go to your email and click the activation mega link. After you have registered your mega account finish your megasync install (this allows you to dl files and have a higher dl allowence from mega for free. Log into your mega account on your megasync app. Turn off the sync folder option by right clocking the taskbar tray icon (The big "M") Copy the link for the mega dl for "Operation Crackdoll" (
Mega) and paste it into the megasync by left clicking the taskbar tray icon, go to the elipsis (The three dots) in the top right corner. Click -Open links- paste into the open field the link for the download (Same as link above) Your download should start after that.
2. Extract "Operation crackdoll" to your BASE windows/drive folder. This uncomplicates this as far as permissions and or folder path length constraints are concerened. So whatever it may be so for instance **Ex. "C:\"** and have your extraction placed there.
3. Here is the most important part so pay attention as i will go step by step, through the process. With the mega link i provided, you don't need to do much, go to the folder "\depot_1810921\Paralogue\Binaries\Win64" which is inside the folder you just extracted. DELETE the "MinflayerCertificate_**blah blah numbers**" certificate that is present in the folder. THIS IS THE MOST CRUCIAL STEP DO NOT SKIP THE DELETION OF THE CERT!!!!. Make sure you fully deleted it by clearing your recyclebin.
4. Run "Mindflayer.Desktop.exe" inside "\depot_1810921\Paralogue\Binaries\Win64", after a short period your screen should blackout and then load up the game. BE FUCKING PATIENT. On a good pc it took around 15-45 seconds to load up. So if your running on a non-nvme (Regular ssds this means you too) don't worry it takes a fat minute. Also if you get a prompt to allow access through your firewall for the game, select NO or X out of the prompt.
**Side note-Don't be an idiot and alt tab or Win key or anything else during the loadup, because you will most likely crash the client.**
There you should be 100% good to go. If you crash during loadup, repeat steps 2-5. Make sure you have enough available ram *Atleast 6-8 gigs soley for the game. If your not running 16 gigs of memory, don't bother, you will constantly crash/have framedips. Well hopefully this "lazy/idiot" proof step by step helped out. If not, its not the games fault, its either you or your pc is a toaster. Much love....Stayzie-<3
Oh btw, whenever you launch the game from then on use the "Mindflayer.Desktop.exe" not the "Paralogue-Win64-Shipping.exe"
Hope this helps