Probably mentioned but, this game demands a lot from my PC for a demo.
Only Meg and Chris can unlock new MC's, and I should think that some characters can ONLY be unlocked by either Meg or Chris, such as Neil can only be scored by Meg, and Herbert can only be scored by Chris, and so on...
That's not exactly a great idea, as a game, sure i can detach myself from my sexual desires to "complete" it, but there are just a small amount of charcters that i'm intrested and a larger amont that i'm not, for example, there's no way i'm unlocking Brian or playing as Chris
That's what having personal taste is, being so restrictive on your approach to multiple protagonist might just turn-off a lot of people who might be intrested in the game.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.
Not exactly a wise thing to say unless you're filthy rich, that's specially true for people getting money from crowdfunding sites, i do also think that pandering to everyone is equally bad so the best option is to be as diplomatic as possible.
Unless you care that people who donate just stops doing it, that's why you see youtubers/twitch streamers going full PG and trying to steer away from anything that resembles individuality.