Well for one, you subscribe and donate and the game gets abandoned. What about your money?
Or a game like this may have been collecting all this time even though it was abandoned.
I suppose you can call it a success rather than failure depending on what side you're viewing from.
None of that makes sense.
You know going in that there is no guarantee. You know you are not getting your money back if that's what you mean by "what about your money?"
It's like giving to charity or even to a homeless person. You are saying I want to help, now it's up to the recipient of your money as to what happens to the money. If they don't use your money as you hoped, they have failed, not Patreon.
Patreon is not a failure. This site and others like it are the real failures. I guess they are not failures because the intent was to steal content, so I guess they are nonfaliures.
Someone here said devs are scamming us with paywalls. Haha, what a hot load of horse shit. That's like a bulgar getting mad at homeowners who make it impossible to break into their house.
Yeah, yeah, I know; delete for off-topic or for being honest?