VN Ren'Py Abandoned Family Matters [v0.3a] [PingPanda]

4.00 star(s) 2 Votes


How FM Reboot Will Work
Patrons only
Sep 5 at 10:09pm
I've been thinking this for a while now, it's something I wanted to add into DD but decided against it simply because how progress on it was going, or rather, wasn't going.
Anyway, I've decided that every month, the $5+ Tier's will be able to vote on certain scenes, so you guys will get a choice which direction the games goes in.

I'll have more information on it soon, but just wanted to throw that out there for now =]

I want to make it more for you, by you, if you get what I mean :p



Family Matters Reboot - Christine Hair Poll
Sep 18 at 5:53pm
Been working on some hair's but there really isn't a lot of "aged" hairs out there, I'd love to use the current Christine hair from DD but sadly there is an issue with her hair that's annoying the crap out of me, basically doesn't fit right :p

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Hair 1 10
Hair 2 4
Hair 3 5
Hair 4 5
24 votes total
22 hours left


amily Matters Reboot - Christine Casual Outfit Poll
Sep 18 at 5:50pm
I've made some changes to her breasts but sadly not a lot of outfits cling to well, I've tried using Fit Control but couldn't get the hang of it :p
Also made them a little saggier and changed the shape.

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Image 1 6
Image 2 9
Image 3 6
Image 4 5
26 votes total
22 hours left


Uploader Fossil
May 2, 2017
Edited the Op since DD no longer is a reboot of FM and FM gets another reboot.


Family Matters Remastered - Menu Sample
Patrons only
Oct 11 at 11:36pm
Was working on a couple samples and think I've settles on this...I might change the bottom a little but all in all, I'm happy with it =]
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Sep 27, 2018
@RWaites Why don't you ask the author's permission and if he's not going to follow the Family Matters story, take it another :heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes:, how good it is I would be sorry to be left abandoned :':)'(, like many I've seen in this forum, which are very good stories and all of a sudden and by a stroke they leave it, me because I don't know how to do the codification and the whole mess this but if I had made my own story years ago, I say again is my opinion, I don't want to affect anyone, a greeting and that you walk a #Happy Wednesday.

RWaites Jnr


Been a while since I've posted so I wanted to post a little update as to where I'm at and what I'm doing.
So after the v0.2b patch of DD I've be working hard on FM Remastered which has not only had a script overhaul, it's also had a somewhat story overhaul.

It'll still be the same base sense, however, I've added a lot more in terms of the domination and love routes.

I've always felt with the original FM and DD, I've never managed to get a true grip on the while affection and domination routine as I've always been a little scared of doing something wrong and loosing everything.

That however won't be the case anymore, I've decided to be more bold and go for what I hope it is you guys want to see.

I mean, let's face it, there's been so many remakes and reboots and we haven't seen a single cock pop in a pussy yet, it's ridiculous.

Of course that's all my fault, I like to think of myself as somewhat of a perfectionist and if I don't like something I will do it again.

However, it's recently come to my attention that what I think isn't perfect, other's thing it is.

Which is why you'll see massive changes from DD and FMR

RWaites Jnr


FMR - Weekly Update #1
I want to keep you guys more up to date with what I'm doing and what I manage to achieve within the week.
Please do keep in mind though, I'm sadly not always working on the game as I do have a personal life and a lot of responsibility's. That being said, I do work as much as I possibly can.

Anyway, back on topic.

The first thing I want to note is that I don't want this game being posted on F95 on the old thread, I'd much rather is get a new thread as it is by all intensive purpose's a new game.

Until the game is released however, feel free to post this to the original FM post.

I also want to note that I've not really been focusing to much on the patrons rewards, that'll be changing in November, the only reason I haven't posted any previews yet is I want to try and keep them to a minimum.

I do however have plans for weekly previews in November including NSFW previews and the $20 has been made, just needs to be rendered and compiled into a video.

As for the game, I wanted to assure you all that episode 1 of FMR will not be a small release, I plan on making it longer than v0.3 of FM was.

I hope to have a release ready for the 2nd week of November and I'll keep you all updated in case this changes.

I was hoping to have it out this month but v0.2b of DD took a little longer than I would have liked to get out, hence the delay.

I also want to let you know that episode 1 of FMR will contain the following ( so far ):

  • 3 Animations ( non-nude )
  • 1 Voyeur Scene
  • 2 Topless Scene's
  • 1 Full Frontal Scene
I'll let you guys know in the weekly updated what new stuff has been added.

On another note however, I don't want you guys thinking that this is just going to be another reproduction of the same game.

FMR follows the base story, however, a lot has been changed, mostly the grittiness of domination and the warmth of the affection routes.

I'm also not holding back on the nudity and sex, don't think that means the story is going out the window, I'm simply getting to the sex a lot sooner, after all, this is supposed to be a porn game xD

RWaites Jnr

An Executive Decision!
I've decided that in FMR, I'll be using the original design for this lovely lady.
My reasoning for this is simply that I'm having to many issues with the new design and it's taking way to much time to sort out, so, to that effect, I'll be using the lady above.

The new character design will still be in the game at some point, just not in the role she was intended to be in

RWaites Jnr


I want to start by saying this isn't a paid advertisement or anything of the sort, I have no deal with the dev or anything, I just believe in the dev and really like the game.
Anyway, the game is called Sinful Delicacies and for a version 1, it's damn good.

Lot of content, lot of context and very nice renders.

Story feels unique and it truly is a joy to play.

Check it out =]

( also, will be doing another weekly update tomorrow for FMR which will include some previews and will also be releasing the $20 Animation and also some rewards for other tiers =]

RWaites Jnr


[ NSFW ] Delay For Animation - Little Goodie
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So tomorrow was supposed to be the day I release the 1st animation, however, I worked out it's render time all wrong.

Basically I thought it had 70 frames taking 36 minutes to render should have been done today, however, turns out I looked at it wrong, it's not 70 frames, it was 7 segments, each segment being 30 frames so instead of be 70 frames it's actually something like 210 frames at 36 minutes each is something like 5 days 0.0

So yeah, I've been rendering it for a day and a half now but there's still over 3 days to go till it's finished :p

So as my way of saying sorry, here's a little something to tied you over :p
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RWaites Jnr


FMR - Weekly Update #2
We're now into week 2 of FMR and originally I was only going to work for 2 weeks on it, 2 weeks then release it.
However, I don't want to release just another half arsed game that I think is ready but is actually far from it.

Which is why I've decided to turn it into a full production and get things done right.

Please don't take this as me cancelling DD as I'm not, I was originally going to do a month on DD then 2 weeks on FMR then a month on DD and so on a so fourth.

However, I know a few devs that do 2 games and they do a month on one then a month on the other which I think would be best for this.

FMR V0.1 ( or episode 1 as I'll be doing it in episodes ) will be the same length of FM, however, it'll feature a few new scenes, altered story so it doesn't feel like the same game over again.

So I'm pretty much squeezing 3 months of FM into a 1 month production of FMR which will be tough, but I know we can do it =]

Looking back at the original FM, I don't know how it took me that long to get the length of v3, v3 of FM really feels like it should have been a v1.

Anyway, I digress.

Also, episode 1 of FMR will contain the following ( so far ):

  • 3 Animations ( non-nude )
  • 5 Voyeur Scenes
  • 4 Topless Scenes
  • 2 Full Frontal Scenes
  • 2 Pussy Scenes
  • 2 Force Scenes
The current build has 350+ CG's not including the 3 animations which consist of around 30-60 frames each ( each frame being 1 rendered CG )

Once Shadow had finished rendering what it's rendering I'll be doing some previews for all current tiers.

I'll also be doing a few extra's today to tied you all over =]
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4.00 star(s) 2 Votes