VN Ren'Py Abandoned Family Matters [v0.3a] [PingPanda]

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Deleted member 1050319

Big Plans For DECEMBER!
The holidays are upon us once more and last December I didn't really do anything special.
However, this year I have some big ass plans for all tiers =]
So, what's on the list?
  • 1 ) FMR Release - The 1st thing for December would be the release of FMR, which I expect to be between the 3rd and the 6th.
  • 2 ) NSFW Animation For All - The 2nd thing would be a NSFW Animation for every tier ( this will not effect the $20 Animation who will be getting a separate one at the end of the month =] ) - Expected date for this is the 1st or 2nd.
  • 3 ) Christmas Comic - I'll be doing a short Christmas comic for all tiers, it'll feature around 10-15 pages and will feature all FMR characters - Expected release for this is the 25th
  • 4 ) Christmas Animation - I'll also be doing a Christmas themes Animation for $15+ tiers - Expected release date for this is also the 25th
  • 5) DD v0.3a Release - After the release of FMR, release dates will be getting more frequent as I attempt to do more micro releases - Expected release date for this is between the 25th and the 31st.
I will also be doing a DD/FMR Christmas cross over image featuring all characters, also expected on the 25th =]

Deleted member 1050319

[NSFW] Animation For All! - Really Not Suitable For Work!
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This is the gif I wanted to share for the delay to the FMR release =]
Game is expected between the 3rd and 6th.
Almost everything is rendered now, just coding it all together.
Trying some new coding styles that I learned with DD so bare with me xD ys_01.gif

Deleted member 1050319

All Render's Complete - Final Coding Stages
So wanted to post a quick update on what's going on with FMR and where I'm at.
So as of this morning, all renders are now complete, including any and all re-renders that needed to be done.
I now only have coding left to do which I hope to have finished tomorrow.
I have 4 scenes left to render, 2 of which are small and easy, the other to not so small but still rather easy.
So I hope to have 1 of the scenes done tonight and then finish the other 3 tomorrow.
then all that's left is spell checking and testing the game to make sure it all slots in the way it should :p
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Deleted member 1050319


Tis The Season - Christmas Season
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Tis the season for stuff n things...
I'm not the most festive person and talking Christmassy isn't really my thing..."
So let's talk games and nudie renders xD
I posted the other day about what to expect during the season of Christmas and I wanted to build on that a little more here.
The first thing planned with be the release of FMR which will take place today.
I just need to do the following things:
  • Code the final scene
  • Test the game to make sure it all works as it should
  • Spell check the whole thing...which I guarantee I'll fuck up :p
  • Convert all images to webp
  • Release
I expect to have the release ready for 6-7PM GMT.
Once FMR is release I'll begin work on the Christmas themed NSFW animation for $20 patrons.
Once that's done I'll work on the mini Christmas themes comic for all.
After those 2 are done ( I expect a finish date of the 10th ), I'll then begin work on DD v0.3 which I expect to either have finished for the 31st of the month or may extend it a little till January

Deleted member 1050319


Whew...IT'S DONE!
Got it finished a little later than expected but I can finally say FMR is 99.99% complete, I just need to add in a "end of version" screen and we'll be complete =]
Expected release time is still 6-7PM GMT as I still have to proof-read everything and test it all out.
As it's a linear story I'm not expecting to many game breaking bugs if any at all
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Deleted member 1050319


Testing Delay
I've found a few bugs preventing me from releasing the game on time.
Should have them all fixed and images compressed by 9pm at the latest

Deleted member 1050319


FMR V0.1 Official Release
Sorry for the delay with releasing this, I just really wanted to make sure everything was tickety boo before releasing =]
One of the major reasons as to why it took so long was simply due to the fact I was re-creating a 3 version game within the span of a month, it took me 5 months to do the previous version 3 of Family Matters and if I do say so myself, I think this turned into something a lot better than the original.
Further more this is something I'm finally happy with, the reasons behind constantly doing FM over and over again and the same with Deviant Desires is simply because I wasn't happy with the work I was producing and just felt I could do better.
But I promise, hand on heart, FMR will get NO do-overs or reworks, I'll finally be able to tell the original story i wanted to all along =]
I will however still be working on DD along side FMR as the story for that has evolved into something totally separate from FMR.
I was originally planning on doing micro updates where I would release something every 2-3 weeks, however, I've since decided against this and will instead opt for releasing something ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Going forward from here I plan on taking the 6th to the 10th to work on everything Christmas related this month and then take the 10th to the end of the month/start of Jan to work on DD.
This next release of DD will only be a small one as I'll be focusing heavily on Amy & all the repeatable's.
You may notice a lot of this is the same as the original FM, however new scenes and dialogue changes have been implemented!
But anyway, enough yacking, let's get to what you came for, the download:
If you find any issues, bugs or spelling mistakes do let me know, I'm shit at proof-reading :p


Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
@PingPanda Happy to see this game isn't dead! You are doing a good work, some spelling errors but you already know.The game is an early stage but i feel you are going in the right path like the original that i liked. Just a curiosity, why the passing time is so precise, like 22 minutes, 27 minutes...Do you plan to add any other sound? i like it, make the game more alive. Anyway, good work!
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