Models look good, even the mc. I like that you took more than a few minutes sculpting them, so good job. I like that the mc is older and a father instead of the run-of-the-mill douchey kid in the same outfit that everyone uses in HS, (frayed jeans, you know the one).
Story seems okayish, I mean I liked the fact that you explain why there ain't so many people wandering around and stuff. Most games are centered around one person and have no explanation why there is so few people around, so kudos there.
My hopes are the mc can find his mojo along the way cause right now his whole motivation seems off. I get that the guy is pretty distraught about getting cucked by his old lady leaving him, but the idea that 'your mom is a whore let's make a whore utopia so we can get her back' seems kinda weak.
Oh and the right answer/wrong answer thing sorta blows, if there is only 1 option in any given scenario don't have 2 buttons. I appreciate that there is at least a funny message when you pick the wrong thing though, but the illusion of choice sucks.
For the future maybe play around some with animation, I know it might bloat the file, but people appreciate that sorta stuff. Anyway, good start, I will be looking forward to updates for sure.
@Alexander Krisnov could you use a different picture for the OP as the one right now makes the girls all look like they have double chins or their father was a bullfrog.