3.80 star(s) 4 Votes


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
It looks like the Dev was beginning to implement a clothing feature it seems.

I managed to add on to it and add a clothing store to the slums (I know the bulk store seemed to mention it but I wanted to add another store just to learn more about twine lol)

I also managed to add a few clothing sets experiments as well

It also seems like an auction feature was going to be added as well

Hopefully soon I will learn how to fully implement it into the game properly

Since I'm still learning about Twine and JavaScript I'm just trying to do simple things to the game at the moment

-Add Clothing Feature

-Add more 'End of the week' events

-Have Titles factor in Pricing of Slave when you sell them

Well. . . simple is one way to put it, a lot of it I still have no clue how to do
But I will do my best! :D

I don't know if anyone would like to help but that would be really dope!
I know there's things like Github but I don't know how to use that either but happy to try that also!

I feel like this game really could still be something cool even if its just finishing what the Dev started haha
Hey, if you're trying to do something with the game, props to you, we'd really appreciate that. If you're just learning you might better look into creating some random events with characters and slaves, maybe assing some to their personality or something, as it already exists in the game, or maybe create something like auction house with high prices and either valuable or even unique slaves, it could be based off already existing shops mechanics. Maybe something smaller and more personal with slave training, as contrast to Free Cities would be really cool which you could basically automate with Rules Assistant. I'd really love to help, but I really doubt I can in any way, as I'm no programmer, and any flavour text is likely to suck as english is not my first language. Still, it would be cool if you could do this game a favor and work on it while you improve your own skills.
Also, could you elaborate on "dev implementing stuff" part? Isn't the game dead in the water?


Mar 20, 2019
Hey, if you're trying to do something with the game, props to you, we'd really appreciate that. If you're just learning you might better look into creating some random events with characters and slaves, maybe assing some to their personality or something, as it already exists in the game, or maybe create something like auction house with high prices and either valuable or even unique slaves, it could be based off already existing shops mechanics. Maybe something smaller and more personal with slave training, as contrast to Free Cities would be really cool which you could basically automate with Rules Assistant. I'd really love to help, but I really doubt I can in any way, as I'm no programmer, and any flavour text is likely to suck as english is not my first language. Still, it would be cool if you could do this game a favor and work on it while you improve your own skills.
Also, could you elaborate on "dev implementing stuff" part? Isn't the game dead in the water?
No problem and thanks for the well wishes! Overall I agree its best to start with small things since there's a lot I don't know about when it comes to this game and twine especially. I started researching and learning only a few days ago, so the things I said I would try to do is based on my scope of what I think I can do currently (hopefully lol) and what's already in the game.
If I get the hang of it and get more comfortable, I want to expand the scope of what I'm doing to flesh out more of the game.

Overall my goal is to have the game's core fleshed out properly since the Dev really made an excellent foundation imo

And to be honest I don't have a particularly noteworthy background I just have some history with making RPG maker games and a little experience with HTML code from years ago.
So this is my first experience working with Twine ever lmao

Luckily from watching some video tutorials and experimenting, today I was able to add a flat multiplier to titles when you sell a slave. In the future I want to try to make the multiplier based on the rank of the title like 'common', 'uncommon' etc. but one step at a time I suppose haha.

Next thing I'm looking at is to make some random events based on personality types and some random events based on titles!
So more random events are on the horizon.
Hopefully I will be able to make some progress on this now since its the weekend and I don't have an extra work shift this weekend.

Hmmm the dev did have a blank section for 'special titles' and only one use of 'rare titles'
I might be able to do something with that to make unique slaves using those titles for now
and the other ideas you had for the auction house I like as well so I write them down for later when I get to implementing the auction house

And to elaborate on the dev being in the process of implementing stuff like the clothing and auction house, poking around I found there is a section for clothes with only a placeholder and an Auction section with nothing much there other a guideline of how the Dev wanted to implement it.

Sooooo. . . nothing extraordinary, but at least something to start with!
If you go to Twinery.org and import this game you can see what I'm talking about, and if you or anyone else discover anything else feel free to let me know!

Personal Training also I've been looking at and some have some short-term ideas I have so far

Short term-
involve dialogue with the slave during some a session with a choice based on personality and based on some previous titles
i.e- A slave with a sadistic title would have a choice to be more brutal in during dom training, a kuudere being more receptive to mental training than physical training a cumsar slave being able to drink your cum as a reward during training etc

I have more ideas, long term as well, I just don't want to say them and generate inordinate hype about the game, I'm still only a beginner lol

But I have made a list of things I want to add to the game and things I want to change a bit to accommodate for what's already here

And something robust like the rule assistant I would have to look into properly but I'm hoping once I learn a bit more I will be able to accomplish that.

If you or anyone else like to help, I honestly really would appreciate help with writing random events. Its okay if English isn't your first language also, just a prompt would be helpful, or a fully written event would be even more helpful. I will properly credit you as well when I can release a playable version as well if you'd like (same for you giving me auction house and unique slave ideas) If they're any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes I can fix those for you and if you want me to spice some parts of it I have some experience as a writer so should be able to do that if you'd like to as well

I can write some sure, but there's only so much variety I could do since most of it would be based on my own tastes.
But I think one of the main reasons this game has people hanging around in this thread is it has the diverse appeal it has.
So any help with the events would be appreciated! :D

Coders and people experienced with Javascipt and Twine also would be a great help! Even if all you can do is answer some of the questions and ideas I have lol

And if you still don't feel up to it I completely understand! I don't want people to feel obligated to help even if they want to see more from this game, I will still do my best even if its solo lol

But if you or anyone wants to help I'm onboard with that, I would appreciate it greatly and I hope you're having a nice day so far!
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New Member
Apr 14, 2020
No problem and thanks for the well wishes! Overall I agree its best to start with small things since there's a lot I don't know about when it comes to this game and twine especially. I started researching and learning only a few days ago, so the things I said I would try to do is based on my scope of what I think I can do currently (hopefully lol) and what's already in the game.
If I get the hang of it and get more comfortable, I want to expand the scope of what I'm doing to flesh out more of the game.

Overall my goal is to have the game's core fleshed out properly since the Dev really made an excellent foundation imo

And to be honest I don't have a particularly noteworthy background I just have some history with making RPG maker games and a little experience with HTML code from years ago.
So this is my first experience working with Twine ever lmao

Luckily from watching some video tutorials and experimenting, today I was able to add a flat multiplier to titles when you sell a slave. In the future I want to try to make the multiplier based on the rank of the title like 'common', 'uncommon' etc. but one step at a time I suppose haha.

Next thing I'm looking at is to make some random events based on personality types and some random events based on titles!
So more random events are on the horizon.
Hopefully I will be able to make some progress on this now since its the weekend and I don't have an extra work shift this weekend.

Hmmm the dev did have a blank section for 'special titles' and only one use of 'rare titles'
I might be able to do something with that to make unique slaves using those titles for now
and the other ideas you had for the auction house I like as well so I write them down for later when I get to implementing the auction house

And to elaborate on the dev being in the process of implementing stuff like the clothing and auction house, poking around I found there is a section for clothes with only a placeholder and an Auction section with nothing much there other a guideline of how the Dev wanted to implement it.

Sooooo. . . nothing extraordinary, but at least something to start with!
If you go to Twinery.org and import this game you can see what I'm talking about, and if you or anyone else discover anything else feel free to let me know!

Personal Training also I've been looking at and some have some short-term ideas I have so far

Short term-
involve dialogue with the slave during some a session with a choice based on personality and based on some previous titles
i.e- A slave with a sadistic title would have a choice to be more brutal in during dom training, a kuudere being more receptive to mental training than physical training a cumsar slave being able to drink your cum as a reward during training etc

I have more ideas, long term as well, I just don't want to say them and generate inordinate hype about the game, I'm still only a beginner lol

But I have made a list of things I want to add to the game and things I want to change a bit to accommodate for what's already here

And something robust like the rule assistant I would have to look into properly but I'm hoping once I learn a bit more I will be able to accomplish that.

If you or anyone else like to help, I honestly really would appreciate help with writing random events. Its okay if English isn't your first language also, just a prompt would be helpful, or a fully written event would be even more helpful. I will properly credit you as well when I can release a playable version as well if you'd like (same for you giving me auction house and unique slave ideas) If they're any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes I can fix those for you and if you want me to spice some parts of it I have some experience as a writer so should be able to do that if you'd like to as well

I can write some sure, but there's only so much variety I could do since most of it would be based on my own tastes.
But I think one of the main reasons this game has people hanging around in this thread is it has the diverse appeal it has.
So any help with the events would be appreciated! :D

Coders and people experienced with Javascipt and Twine also would be a great help! Even if all you can do is answer some of the questions and ideas I have lol

And if you still don't feel up to it I completely understand! I don't want people to feel obligated to help even if they want to see more from this game, I will still do my best even if its solo lol

But if you or anyone wants to help I'm onboard with that, I would appreciate it greatly and I hope you're having a nice day so far!
You got too polite at the end of writing that message, you know.

Anyway, I'm actually onboard on writing some events for you if you'll have me. This sounds like a lot of fun, and I'd really want to see this game getting somewhere, even as a mod. But, first things first, how and where can we discuss this? To my shame I haven't figured out a way to send you a PM or anything similar.


Mar 20, 2019
You got too polite at the end of writing that message, you know.

Anyway, I'm actually onboard on writing some events for you if you'll have me. This sounds like a lot of fun, and I'd really want to see this game getting somewhere, even as a mod. But, first things first, how and where can we discuss this? To my shame I haven't figured out a way to send you a PM or anything similar.
Yea... to be honest I'm usually a lurker so in terms of posting I tend to skew on the other overly polite side of things, since text and posts can be extremely easy to misinterpret, especially on the internet, but I will scale the politeness back a bit tho haha

And it would be fucking dope to have your help! I haven't used much messaging on this site so I also don't really know how to PM I will try to figure it out lol

Long term, I will try to start a Github or a thread on here, but for now lets settle with PM (if we figure that out)


Mar 20, 2019
It looks like the clothing feature will have to wait for a bit as I'm having trouble making the options show up in the wardrobe, if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it!

Otherwise I will continue with making more events with the help of its4fun
and getting auction house in the game as well as the beginning of the new concept for the game we want to introduce!


Mar 20, 2019
I'm glad to see this game might get a bit of a revival. Good luck, guys. :giggle:
Thank you for the support! :D We have a lot of ideas to hopefully increase the replay and sandbox value of the current game as well as give people who stuck around all this time on this thread a reward for keeping it alive

This is my first time trying this sort of thing but I truly hope everyone has at least some amount of fun with the new things in the game
After initial release we still want to add a lot more but one thing at a time haha

I hope you all enjoy once it release and ty for the patience!


Mar 20, 2019
Status report for anyone interested!

-Clothing system was reworked and now is more of... well an actual system lol

-A few events written with more to come once the big things are completed! :D

-Auction house is currently being worked on!

-Two new stats/mood trees for slaves, affection and hate

-Three new natures for slaves

I know its been awhile since I posted but I just wanted to let everyone know progress is still being made, I hope everyone will enjoy the things we added and hope the game feels a bit more complete overall haha

Ty for your patience and I hope you're having a nice day! :D


Mar 20, 2019
When you have a release ready to go, rizldiz3l, let the admins know. You might be handed the keys to this castle.
Oh ty for this info! This is my first time doing something of this nature so I honestly didn't know if I could post it here or I had to make my own thread

I'll definitely message the admins once everything is all finished up and ready to go! :D
Since you gave me such handy info and I'm already here I can give everyone an updated status report along with some transparency on some things:

-Auction house is still being worked on and clothing system just needs some finishing touches at this point!

-After auction house, there are three more things I need to work on for this release and then it will just be the events :D
Some of these things I'm working on are sort of a way to address the problems people had with the game previously like natures/personality types not being very important besides the their mood tree preferences, if you want to keep them a secret for you to discover in the release I will have them in a spoiler tag below. . . hopefully I do it right lol

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

For anyone curious I have done some under-the-hood things to the game that will more than likely not be noticed by players since they're the foundation for releases after this one, besides the one I mentioned in the spoiler tag of course lol.

And for those who wanted to keep some of the features that's been worked on a secret, I will say it here but after the first release the game might change quite a bit, but I promise will still have the same concept behind it :D
And that concept is fantasy slave trainer sandbox game

This time spent working on this game has really accelerated my knowledge and experience with twine and its honestly quite satisfying that some of my previous experiences has led me to adapt and implement some things for this game, its really a blessing that the Dev left things as neat and simple to understand as he did.

Its honestly kind of ironic because the thing that has taken the longest to work on, thought would be incredibly simple at first, and has fucked me over relentlessly has been the clothing system. And the irony is that now that it's done, everything else I need to do now feels like I'm dunking on 4 year olds in basketball

... and those were his last words.

Anyways what I'm getting at is the time frame for releases after this will one will vary but based on what I can do now and what's planned by me and its4fun the second release will be less of a wait than this one :)

I won't promise an definite timeframe since its based on how much time I have after work among other reasons but I will say I'm aiming for releasing sometime this month!

I look forward to the feedback about the things added to the game, as well as the new writing, I hope you all enjoy once it finally releases!


Mar 20, 2019
Oh and I forgot to say in one of my earlier posts I was looking at adding dialogue during training based on slave's nature and other things so I will correct that and say that sort of thing has been moved to the second release since so much about the active training will change at that time.

Sorry for anyone expecting that for this release but hopefully the current content for this release will be enough to hold you over until then! :)
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New Member
Nov 28, 2021
Oh and I forgot to say in one of my earlier posts I was looking at adding dialogue during training based on slave's nature and other things so I will correct that and say that sort of thing has been moved to the second release since so much about the active training will change at that time.

Sorry for anyone expecting that for this release but hopefully the current content for this release will be enough to hold you over until then! :)
How's progress? Is there any links where i can download it?


Mar 20, 2019
How's progress? Is there any links where i can download it?
Sorry I honestly was going to make post a day or two earlier but f95 seems to be having problems or something, at least on my end.

But yeah, status report is things are coming along! I wrote a few new more events for some titles and I'm almost finished up there, and auction house has the base functionality ready, I just need to work on the other parts for it planned for the this release, as well as the the additional assignments up and functional. The origin slaver titles are mostly written at this point and the one I haven't finished I have the prompt for so its just a matter of writing it!

With all that said, I haven't been able to work on the game as much as I like to because of personal life, my work schedule has been crazy to say the least and also I took on a side project for another game, which also is pretty time consuming.

But good news for this game is I'm almost finished with the first stretch of that other side project, once done that will put it in a place I'm comfortable to leave it alone for awhile so I can dedicate most of my time back to this, and properly get things going again. And my workplace has few days off for Christmas time so more time for this also!

I also need to check on its4fun and the writing they have done for the game so far as well.

I'm going to be conservative and estimate I will be able to complete the work for the release sometime in January or February, not making promises since I don't want to get people's hopes up but please rest assured that I didn't just disappear or I gave up or something. The one thing I will promise is I will finish what I started and give you all some more content for this game that I genuinely hope you will enjoy. :D

And I just want to apologize for not posting anything here or anyone looking forward to the release in November like I thought I would finish or this month, I wanted to make a post here saying I was working on a side project here but I felt like wouldn't be right to be posting about something else when you all are just waiting for this game, still something would've been better than nothing and I once again I want to say sorry and if there are any changes that I

I hope you all have a nice day and a wonderful holidays and I really do appreciate you all looking forward to playing the content I added, it really makes me motivated to keep going and get it done as best as I can.
Dec 23, 2017
I hope you all have a nice day and a wonderful holidays and I really do appreciate you all looking forward to playing the content I added, it really makes me motivated to keep going and get it done as best as I can.
You are just an absolute ray of sunshine, like genuinely. Also It's not just you, the site is currently being weird for me too.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Kalloi


Jun 19, 2018
Hello! Has anyone been able to get the playerUnlimited and npcUnlimited cheats to work? I downloaded the game after not playing for a while and all the other cheats but these last two are working. Am I just inputting it wrong or are these cheats known to not work?
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Reactions: Kalloi
3.80 star(s) 4 Votes