I can agree with you in some aspects. Mainly that a game should be fun to play. However, please keep in mind that this game has no AI. You lose or win based on your luck.
I focused only on the graphics, and to be honest I was expected bad comments about her feet sliding, artifacts with the shadows of the hair on her face, hair poking through the face, etc.
The game was designed to be a poker. But when I realized what it means to develop a decent poker engine, I implemented Black Jack gameplay because of it's simplicity.
I will try to think of a way to make the player win more easily, but that would mean cheating the player's luck.
There are users who managed to strip the girl. Hard, but they did it.
To resume Acebacho's review, BlackJack is a PITA.
That's understandable, I can imagine that making a working poker engine is a lot harder then just a blackjack one.
And while I get it is winning or losing based on luck, that's not an inherently bad thing I think, as long as its made interesting in some regard. I feel a lot of Strip Games nowadays get too tied up in not focusing on the appeal of the genre, which is the entire strip part. I feel if money is involved, it should be fairly minimal and is only really there to make the game last a little longer, but the focus should still be on the strip part.
Right now I think a lot of people are angry at the blackjack part because it "doesn't follow the rules", because when bets are involved and all that, people automatically want it to work like casino blackjack or something. If the game is more upfront that it's about strip blackjack, there could be more leeway involved. After all, if its about the stripping, it might be more reasonable that the opponent isn't exactly going to follow some 'house rules', because she wants to win.
To use Strip Poker Night at the Inventory as an example, while it is a poker game, it doesn't have any clothes at all. Clothing is a minimum of 3 and a max of 8. So while the game is still pretty easy, its enjoyable because of the variety of it - there is a lot of characters, and there is a lot of dialogue to go with it. Characters react to others losing, and it accounts for their current state of dress, and the state of dress of the other. Some even account for losing or winning streaks.
To go again to the scenario given in the demo so far, there is some potential to set up exactly what is going on here, then set the characters. A variety of dialogue to play with how the game unfolds can give a lot of replayability. And while it might be considered 'bad' to reward failure, I don't think its inherently bad to consider some kind of h even if the player loses.
Mind I'm saying all this as the jaded fan of strip games, who is always annoyed at how many strip poker/blackjack games seem to be entirely focused on the exchanging of money, and forget the game is about clothes. For both parties, not just the opponent. You at least have that part right, even if I think the money is a bit too much.