What would interest me to know, it is not what this or that character will do to Monica, but the origins and the future development of these characters in the general history.
For example, is Victoria one of the girls on the "farm", so a Marcus girl offered to Dick to watch and slow down any help he can give to Monica?
Fred has a look at Debbie, and if we make the "right" choices, he can even fill it. Given the way he was "faithful" with Monica, would not he be bound with Marcus and the "farm"? According to the possible choices that we make with Debbie, would not it risk to take a turn to the "farm"?
Melanie. If Monica helps and respects her, she gives it back to the charity event. But Biff, will not he get tired of her and bring her back into the rank, if it's not already done? In the same way that he took care of the secretary?