It’s very short but worth replay) and it shows why I like this route, things changing every time.
and the thing in Vicky’s basket is worse than any strapony))
update is good, without bad scenes. I can recommend it.
Very happy that the update is at good quality standard, very much needed in this Episode 4.
Last episode, DM must put all cards on the table, no more need to impress the audience, he should go straight to pure hardcore and humiliation
To be fair last few months, I almost gave up on this website due the huge lacustrine delivery quality and games hosted on this website.
[Lisa] dev for example had to remove, what the US fellas call "dark" scenes, because someone reported him to the authorities...
Really sad decade we live.
But now no more bullshits talk.. let's wait and celebrate Decent Monkey delivering another piece of art...
Fappers together strong..