There was no abandonment of the Farm storyline because there was never a full-blown Farm storyline....Marcus' threat to send Monica to the Farm still means nothing. There's no response from the developers about the Farm... (or rather, there is one, but it's not in the public domain, so you can assume it doesn't exist). Implementing the Farm content under the current Patreon policy is impossible. All of this, as has been written here many times before, is only possible in the form of separate patches that will be sold outside of Patreon... I emphasize, this was written by me and other players, not the developer himself, who officially prefers to remain silent on this issue.
As for Philip/Victoria's BDSM session, it was only a miniature scene that can't be called a full-fledged storyline. Apparently, this mystery will be revealed later....You can read the discussion of this scene and its meaning on the previous pages. But one thing is clear - this is not a BDSM session for the sake of a session, Philip's interests are behind it, which are realized by his submissive servant Victoria.
There is no connection between Campbell and the Farmers (of this I am 99.9% sure). But a connection between Philip, Steve and the Farmers is extremely likely, and in Philip's case has already been confirmed.