Here's what he said on the Lara preview. Looks like he wont finish this til at least December
The partially rendered, partially viewport render i've sent to the VA for voicing. I was originally going to just render the full thing but i got so much backlogged rendering to do that some parts are still viewport renderings. I have a few small ideas for this scene that i might add but the premise was to not get bogged down and make a longer project that would take months to finish.
I wont be working more on this project till the mass effect one is finalized which will be done in december. Honestly i just havent rushed myself since im still rendering the ciri alts. At 5 minutes per frame and 12000 frames the 4 separate renders took roughly 40 days to fully render with 1 pc. I plan on rendering more alternative versions for future projects so increasing render power is something I'm seriously considering in the upcoming year.