Well, now that it got dropped on here I guess I'll comment a little here as well. It was worth the five (Bladerune is super prompt fixing issues/bugs, so if you like a dev to support that actually tries to correct even small mistakes he's your guy imo). Looking forward to the next part of content pending.
For those who have played this Leanne/Lyn content seems to be branching based on the choices you make in her route at the end of 0.05, so I would say look forward to that. I like the Leanne route personally. So something to look forward to. Imo even if you don't like huge/fat women the work is pretty solid in its own right.
The sandbox aspect of it is fairly smooth with the job to earn money having more purpose than just gaining money, which was smart of the dev given they also probably notice many games leave that as only for grinding money. I would recommend giving it a shot. Can always turn the sex scenes off if its not your thing. Bladerune gives the option which is another plus for them.
Either way, Bonnie is best grill though Trista in the mix.