I am not kink shaming anyone but since you brought up morality and taboos here we go.
First of all i said honor among thieves kinda line because chuvak over there mentioned we are stealing some sh*t why not go further. To be honest i dont really take care about pixel fetishes or feelings but some people take it to hearth hard here namely SOME UNDERAGE people surfing around when their parents are not at home or sleeping. Depends on what kind of person you are i dont find any of compaints annoying more like childish.
Though there are some lines people wouldnt cross and we did immoral activity A so why we dont do even worse immoral activity B. What i mean is, i killed some people in war so why not rape some people since i am already immoral. Or since i am swinger why shouldnt i sell my wife to strangers. It doesnt work like that. Moral codes have reasoning and degrees.
So thank you for making borderline joke into personal attack
hm.. he didnt said to go further and in the end of the day, we are doing more crime by pirating a game than playing a loli game. but i digress, i get what you mean.
Problem is, nothing in playing a certain type of game correlates to that person's persona. Absolutely Nothing.
Dude, i play eroge since 05's, there is not a single genre that i have yet to play. am i everything i played?!
"You"(generally speaking) play games where rape is common, are you a rapist? you play games where blackmail is common, do you blackmail people?
so why would playing a game with loli THAT DONT LOOK HUMANS IN THE FIRST PLACE make someone a pedo?
if you wanna talk about crime, talk about every damn crime, like the crime we do everyday of pirating games for starters.
but this is not really for you, you made your point, this is for people that like to shit on people with loli tastes when they close their eyes to rape and other nefarious genres, like they are some kind of f saints, by their own logic