Hey guys! Sorry for the late report. I had a family thing at the weekend, and ended up taking both days off. I felt guilty and frustrated about not working – but actually I think getting a couple of days rest was helpful.
I got straight back to it yesterday and had an excellent writing day, sexing up a scene that
in concept is hot but
in execution isn’t exciting enough. The key is adding more build-up and characterisation.
Not all of the sex scenes in Bangkok are supposed to happen inside the club. (Many of the very hottest quests on the drawing board take the heroine out into different venues.)
Episode 1.17 happens entirely outside the club, which has raised new writing challenges for me. This time, our heroine isn’t actually
required to do anything sexual with anybody, which makes the sex scenes tougher to sell.
Basically, I've to do a lot more work than usual on build-up and characterisation. Without that work, the sex scenes just feel gratuitous, and although gratuitous sex might
sound like a good thing, at this point in the story it absolutely isn’t.
People have reminded me recently that perfect is the enemy of good. That’s generally very good advice, but this time I’m really not trying to get to “perfect”, just to “good” – i.e., as good as the previous episodes, which is not currently where it’s at. (It’s as good as the draft versions of the previous episodes, which weren’t good enough to release.)
“The only kind of writing is rewriting.” –HEMINGWAY
Rewriting has taken longer than expected, but I really can feel it all coming together in this final editing pass. Here’s where I am exactly:
I know this looks like there’s still a
ton of work to do, but fixing the early scenes has a much bigger impact on where you end up than fixing the later scenes.
Build up scene 2 was the fucking killer this time. Now it’s good enough, I’m advancing fast on the other scenes.
I expect to finish nude scene 3 today, and will report on progress at the end of the week. Hopefully breaking things down into this level of detail will give everybody a clearer picture of where we are and when the release is ready than my (famously bad) time estimates.
Okay, that’s it for this report, I’m going to get back to editing.
Apologies again that this is taking so long, I’m working so hard on it and I just want it to be good. I’ll give you an update shortly.