Dev does not read this, but members of his team do. I've not played 1.10 though I have a general overview of the scene content and get most of your points:
1. Settings - Can you be more specific on what you mean about pre-approved stats/attributes?
2. Dice role - In the first game you could get through the life path with a 'normal' number of sexual partners, making the hypno seem a good game option to fix the difference. Are you saying that the only way through now is 'above normal' sexual life path. Normal being subjective clearly!
Well we are able to distribute attribute points during character creation from 1-5 with 3 being the average. Except there are at least two stats that can't be beneath a certain threshold. If I am not mistaken you can't even have a character with anything less than level 4 in intelligence.
While I do understand that you need to reach certain requirements to be an agent, it does seem rather pointless. At the same time, the idea of chosing a virgin agent with no sexual history whatsoever for that type of mission is also absurd. So I do get, why that is not a thing. Although I would like a path where your character is more into women than into men or who her first partner was instead of the game making that choice for me.
Tbh I actually believe he and the team have many ideas for Bangkok, but that the previous iteration of the game just didn't allow him to make those happen in any kind of timely manner.
Well, I am eager to see it. Then again, we have been waiting for what now? Three years? I absolutely like the premise of the game, but one can't help but wonder, if we ever get to see that content. I mean, as a supposed broke western backpacking tourist in Bangkok, one would assume all kind of dark, brutal and deviant scenarios to take place. As of yet everything was quite clean and neat and the so called mission prep seemed rather vanilla. All she had to do was fuck three guys and enter a wet T-shirt contest. No drugs, no alcohol, no being threatened at gun point, abuse, etc that one would expect.