It doesn't seem relevant. That said, I never knew there were so many ex-soldiers out there until I got into Internet discussions. Seems like they are everywhere. Most especially, if I disagree with someone over something, it usually turns out that they are a war veteran and can't help bringing it up.
It also adds up that writing porn games is exhausting in relation to soldiering. If you look at the illness rate for porn game writers, it must be nearly as dangerous as actually fighting in a war. I'm fairly sure that some of them have acquired battlefield diseases such as Typhus, but we will never know because they are never diagnosed.
Yeah, well. The only problem is, it doesn't matter if you are an "ex-soldier" or "active soldier". When your work ethic is SHIT, there is nobody to blame but YOU for that shitty work ethic. And in Crush's case, the work ethic is "questionable at BEST", painfully dull and slow overall, or simply outright "amazingly nonexistent at worse".
Truth be told, I don't give a flying rat's ass what your "history as a person" might be. Hell, I don't give a swinging donkey dick if you won the Congressional Medal of Honor or simply spent your entire military career sitting behind a desk shuffling paperwork all day. You have a project in front of you. Now do you DO the damn work to keep it going or do you do everything possible to AVOID doing the work? And from what I've seen, as far as formats, working on pointless avatar, "re-boots' using OLD content instead of new, constant "teases" about new content or features that never make it into the game, or simply delaying releases time after time, the obvious answer to ME, is that you are avoiding the work as much as possible.
And here's the thing. It doesn't take a genius, nor a Shakespeare level writing skill. All it takes is a couple of hours a WEEK to write out a scene, 1st read-through, edit, 2nd read-through, make needed changes, 3rd read-through and proof-read to ADVANCE the overall project. In one week, you should be able to knock out a full conversation, or establish a FULL set-up, or create an entire "sexual content section", that actually WORKS as you want it to work. Does it have to be "PERFECT"? No, but it can be acceptable and worth including into the mix. So, a good productive schedule is at MINIMUM of a week to advance the story in one direction or another. Even taking into account a "branching story", you can advance a "branch per week" and still show progress. After a MONTH, that should be at least 4 "sections" of content completely finished on the "creative side".
But you figure, 3-4 months of time between "update/release"? Sorry, but that should be at LEAST 12-16 sections of content COMPLETED and STILL leave you several weeks to iron out any coding issues or avatar problems. And I am being EXTREMELY generous in regards to "start to finish of a section" taking a full week to complete. Most of the time, working with "short sections" as you find in most text-based games, you can easily complete multiple sections in a week. Especially if your only "intention" is to set up a "background", "character", "format of how stats should be tracked" or other "minor aspects" of a game overall. Give me a FULL WEEK, and I can create at least 4 brand new NPC's, possibly their entire "life story" in regard to their main influence on the game, or at LEAST hand over a full list of stats to keep track of and how each stat should be triggered in any given situation. ONE of the above will be "fully completed" for you and you can at least show "progress is being made".
TLDR: Sorry, but your "real-life background" means JACKSHIT when talking about work ethic to get shit done on time.