My point was that if they were going to threaten Kriangsak, it wouldn't BE a lone girl "threatening to take him to the HR department," it would be a much more credible and overwhelming threat that would be believed. My point was not that they would necessarily handle it that way.
That said, intelligence agencies have special forces components for a reason, and sometimes they handle situations in exactly that way -- they strive to have the right tool for the job at hand, and sometimes the right tool is the threat of a horrific human rights violation backed up by a pack of stone-cold killers.
But if we're still continuing this bizarre "realism" discussion, then them handling the situation that way is infinitely more realistic than the situation in the game where an intelligence agency would send one of their own agents, who knows actual top secret shit and would pose a massive security risk if discovered, to shake her tits in a Bangkok bar, whether or not prostitution is involved. Once you accept the game's premise that an intelligence agency would actually do that, you've gone off into fantasyland and any discussion of "realism" is as nonsensical as the original premise. The argument should center around verisimilitude -- the willingness of the creator to color inside the lines of the fantasy world and characters he created -- rather than realism, which means what would happen in our world.