If you find games like Karsson Gambit repugnant, you are not really into femdom. Yes, one can have issues with it and not be a favorite necessarily, but to call it repugnant tells more about you, than about that game. I find the way you express your dislike more than repugnant, and I am 10000000000000000000000% convinced you wouldn't recognize femdom if your life depended on it.
Maybe you should try something else than femdom if you think that game is generic. What do you expect if not mean, dominant females in a femdom game? What is the "original" and "deep" way you propose an instruction for you to kneel should sound like? Should a dominant woman be nice? Should she pat your head, smile at you and beg for you to kneel? Should she speak in Shakespearean prose to seem deep? Your objection makes no logical sense whatsoever. Give me an example of a femdom situation, or better yet a game you would not find shallow. I am genuinely curious what is your version of "deep" femdom content. If you want some romantic deepity, if you want nice women, who don't shout and call you a bitch, (which you seem to be btw) then maybe you should try some vanilla romance game, because as far as I can tell, you and femdom are not really jiving.
Again, you can like whatever you want, but shit-talking about one of the quite objectively best femdom games makes you a shit person to me.
+ If you want to moralize on a porn game site, you should reconsider your presence here altogether. Go to some moronic church if you want some truly terrible moral insipidity! You clearly don't understand moral nuance and the way any literary or for that matter erotic fiction can play with morally ambiguous content to describe a particular drama, rather than preach some righteous crap. Also, you clearly have problems distinguishing fantasy from reality, you sound like a kid who probably should watch Disney movies and not play adult games.