Well, I used to train TKD [ITF] for years, until university forced me to leave that path, but I haven't forgotten it, and I regularly practice it still. I see no reason to go to the gym [especially when it comes to character], I rather go and take a walk in the woods. As for the "jock" culture, that is frequently enough present in gyms to the extent not to want to go near one, even if not all of them are like that. Its just a matter of taste.
The aesthetics, atmospheres and styles which repulses me the most are typically embodied by: shopping malls, plastic corporate culture, jock and pua cultures.
I don't know if I classify as a "neckbeard" [in fact I possibly am, haven't shaven for awhile], but I never ever envied jocks. I envy scientists, artists, I envy good writers, I envy good musicians, good actors, skilled hackers, but never ever envied jocks, and I don't see why would anyone. Even the sexuality which they project is boring. And the equivalent plastic women they pride themselves of courting are equally - sadly - a vapid bunch. They deserve each other.