How dare you guys? I thought you were true femdom fans, but little did I know that both of you secretly look down on the only currently-existing taxonomic class of animals on Earth in which females are more often than not the larger and stronger sex, and which even organize bordering-on-gynarchic societies ruled by Queens that dominate entire nations with their pheromones!
everybody knows you're not a real femdom fan if you don't wanna get oviposited by an anthropomorphised Bee Queen!
Ok, you're definitely better at parodying online definition-mongers like me, Sunshaded! (or at least at doing so with more subtlety haha)
More seriously, on the topic of insectoid monster-girls, while I tend to dislike most of them (especially because I think human and insect features very rarely mesh well together, or at least in a way that's not uncanny), I remembered that one of my favourite enemies that could enslave you in the OG Monster Girl Quest was the Slug girl (the second enemy that Luka fights on his journey with Alice), who I thought looked and spoke like a very elegant Victorian lady, and one of
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that popped up on an image search seems to agree she had a dope aesthetic!
I also find a few of the ways in which ant and bee societies are organized hot as a concept/inspiration for potential sapient gynarchic alien societies in sci-fi.
(whose females could obviously look far more attractive than a bee or ant, or nothing alike any insect for that matter) For example, male bees cannot biologically feed themselves and have to be fed already digested food from the mouth of female workers of the hive, making them completely dependent on them for survival, and bee hives in winter, if they have low food reserves or could die from the cold, would often leave all their males outside to die in the cold, as they are infinitely less important to the survival of the hive and therefore considered expendable and replaceable next year by all the worker bees and queen - could you imagine an alien sapient species that used to be like this in its ancient history which reaches space age? There would obviously be no scarcity of food or any resources anymore, so all the males would live long lives now, but they might all be house servants and slaves to non-fertile females (workers) who spit food in their mouths as a reward and have them crawling at their feet, and who in turn all obey extremely-intelligent and powerful fertile females (queens) that can command thousands with their pheromones and have large palace harems filled with both submissive males and females catering to their every desire?
Ok, perhaps I drank too much tonight, but I'd totally play a femdom sci-fi game that depicts a society of sexy aliens
(first time I ever had a chance to use this emoji - sorry not sorry!
) inspired by bees in terms of social organization, especially if the human MC space captain (let's face it - protagonists are for some reason always space captains in space age sci-fis...) can somehow end up a slave to one of the sexy aliens himself...
Good night everyone!