A small speculative rant
Warning: it contains personal opinions too.
I've been thinking about why femdom games get abandoned, but its not hard to figure it out. I used the filter on femdom and analysed the first page. Of the 30 games which got listed, about 5 games contain actual femdom to any relevant degree. All these games have very low like-numbers: 20, 26, 17, 20 likes each. The games which have little or no femdom have like-numbers such as: 1601, 1293, 384, 603. We have to face it, we are a very small, or very uninvolved group of people, and some of us are not able to give monetary support. Assuming that 5% of those who like a certain game become patrons, then for each 20 people who like a game 1 person will become a patron. That means that each of these 5 games, at best has 1 patreon supporter. Compare this with: 80 paterons for the 1601 game, 64 for the 1293, 19 for the 384 and 30 for the 603 one. The difference is huge.
If you filter for femdom and also filter by likes, then games like "Being a DIK" and "Milf City" comes out on top, the entire first page contains 0 games dedicated to femdom. Most have the tag, but forgettable femdom content if any. Only on the second page do we find 1 dedicated femdom game Estate: Dominate with 839 likes which if my assumption is right, then it has 41 patrons, which is good, but this game is very high standard for rendering and story-telling. But this is the best a dedicated femdom game can expect. Compare this to when using no filter: "Being a DIK" still leads with 7697 likes which translates to 384 patrons. If filtered to male domination: "Milf City" comes out on top with 4949 likes which is 247 patrons. But maybe someone would say that this is not fair, because Milf City does not feature a dedicated maledom path (I have no clue if it does), then lets pick the game which with this filter is on the equal placing of our "best" femdom game, which is "Max's Life" 1145 likes, that is 57 patrons, having 16 more patrons than the best dedicated femdom game has.
Now, if this is true, for a new game to have 3 patrons, needs to have 60 likes. Add to this the ever-present number of nay-sayers on any given new femdom game's thread, which is significant (most testosterone filled teen males are deeply offended by femdom), demoralizing the devs. The relative lack of positive feedback from those of us who are into femdom, and the result is not hard to predict.
Surprisingly, despite all of this, there is a relatively high output of femdom-tagged games, even games with decent amount of femdom. Nominally we have 30 pages of femdom games, and 32 pages of maledom games for example. There is some overlap, given that some games feature in both categories, sadly there is no filter to NOT include a tag - as far as I know. So, based on this one might have the impression that femdom games are very popular, but as I pointed out above, many of the games tagged with femdom are not actually femdom games, I don't know the proportion of the same kind of superficiality for maledom games, but I assume is way lower.
In conclusion: we don't have many big and true femdom games, partly due to less participation, fewer numbers, which only gets further dilluted by the fact that there is a marked divide between those who only like soft femdom and those who like full-on, unapologetic femdom and further between those who also like futa and those who don't, etc [femdom its quite a big tent, which only complicates things]. And yet despite all the negatives mentioned, I think we are a particularly lucky niche group, with quite a few solid releases both completed and in development, despite the lack of support. Compare this to how NTR fans fare...[fanfare, lol

My final conclusion is that the devs who do persist and make femdom games are doing so mostly due to their passion and love for the genre, we all should appreciate their efforts, and try to be supportive, even if a game doesn't perfectly fit our taste to a T.
Thanks for your time!