When I started this thread, I was wholly unprepared to encounter some side-effects. For one, it takes more time, energy and commitment than I thought it will. Not being respected and appreciated for this effort I do for free [and I wouldn't do it any other way, because I want to help the femdom community, not leech from it], it only makes it more hard. What keeps me going is the genuine love for pure femdom. The support of the few individuals who counter-balance the onslaught of naysayers by appreciating the thread, supporting its vision and contributing with additions is hugely appreciated.
I assumed the thread will only attract people with a primary interest in femdom as I always knew it, but I haven't considered that since it is on an open platform, it will surely attract haters too. And the ensuing battleground resulted in some casualties in the form of people who are visibly no longer active on the thread. I don't blame them, I'm just sorry for their loss.
Have I been more prepared, I would have probably been more careful from the beginning in engaging provocateurs, alas, I learn best from my mistakes. But the haters, trolls and hidden maledom people trying to sew discord also helped me refine and perfect the definition of femdom not only for others, but for myself as well. In fact the constant resistance to a female-focused and female-celebrating space being created, only highlights it for me, that a place like this is sorely needed in the darkness of the chauvinistic, woman-hating, male-centric darkness that surrounds us genuine femdom lovers.
With this knowledge I will strive to make the list even better, and with time make it even more useful. I will probably at some point make a downloadable edition, which would allow for even more customization and details to be added. All I ask in return, lets have less of the nitpicking, and have fun. The OP carries with itself all the lessons taught by the trolls, so that those issues which birthed it can be permanently put to rest.