If you aren't able to handle a discussion dude then Don't reply, you aren't a child, I assume, so I'm not going to baby you. If you are unable to discuss your position like an adult, then just keep quiet and don't reply, don't expect others to hold your hand like a kid. Flying or not flying fucks are irrelevant. Grow up man, no body is forcing you to say anything, and the fact that you can't without a hissy fit is not someone else's problem.
You were disruptive from the start. You have gotten several explanations not just from me, but others too, but you keep just rushing forward with your particular issues. I tolerated it so far, but it ends here!
You came back to point blank state that our experiences must be lies because it doesn't make sense for your arousal patterns? That's not only phenomenally rude, but also quite obtuse! And you dare to suggest I'm acting childish?
I have given you my best answer relating how most submissives experience femdom: aka mostly a mental/psychological arousal. Anyone who is truly into femdom can relate to it. And I wasn't even trying to convince you. And your response to that is that you "don't believe" it so? Who the fuck do you think you are to simply hand-wave away the honest relating - which my initial post was - of my and other's [because others expressed their support for it] experience? And what kind of response could you possibly have expected to that?
When I responded to your sheer incredulity with: "I just told you honestly how I experience it. I don't care if you "buy" it or not. Its my lived experience, I intimately know." - I was basically saying, lets agree to disagree, because I can't accommodate your incredulity. I'm not alone in seeing how your take is at odds with the typical psycho-sexual experience of most subs, in that we don't need direct sexual stimulation to experience the submissive/masochistic jouissance which arises from femdom acts performed on us.
I think its you who should grow up and stop pestering this thread. I only answered you, because I hoped you were asking questions in good faith, and were merely curious how others experience their sexuality here. As it turns out you couldn't care less about our experiences with femdom, and just want to somehow force your understanding of it on us. Now that is really infantile, because it won't happen.
You have no right to tell me on the thread I made to keep quiet, no way dude! Its you who should stay silent, you can go and promote your shit on a thread you made, and leave this one alone!
Consider carefully your next ad hominem attack, because it will be the last as far as I'm concerned.