So Neuvau appeared today tagged with femdom tag. If someone wants to know without downloading: it's the softest kind of femdom, mostly teasing and a little bit of obedience play; 1 scene only [there is only 1 h scene in the intro]. MC gets to cum and he's teased via a bj, but it's not as bad as it sounds, especially if someone likes soft femdom. Dev promises femdom to play important role in his game, though he wasn't aware how chastity device can be used so I don't know how much experience and/or imagination he has regarding our favorite content; anyway I wouldn't expect anything hard.
I will update the list once the site allows, I tried it once, but it was impossible then, so I decided to wait until the new site-changes are finally over before resuming with any updates.
As for the games like this one and a whole other bunch of "soft femdom", I will only update them if someone gives me the format or if I accidentally play one, the chance of the latter is pretty low since I have the nose of a bloodhound so to speak when it comes to sniff out these ones, and frankly the too soft ones - with very few exceptions - simply don't do it for me anymore. I got bored by being teased with femdom only to find some lame-ass facsimile of it. I derive more enjoyment from the kind of artworks I occasionally share
and playing them for story is usually also equally lame.
To be clear, I am not at ALL opposed to put these soft ones into the list - provided they do actually contain some shadow of a femdom - but I won't spend extra energy on them myself to extract the necessary info.
Finally, thanks for the heads-up. I don't ask you to provide the format, you have no obligation whatsoever to do so, and if you don't, that's also perfectly fine by me, so don't even feel any pressure to do so. You already did your part for this list many times over. If there are others who want some games to get onto the list tho, you [and I mean whoever reads this] are free to use the given format to submit an entry, then on the basis of that entry + the game's own thread I will decide if it qualifies or not [95% of the time it does]. In some borderline cases I may ask for further clarification of this or that.
Oh, and
Mister_M, if I will ever feel that I can no longer continue the list, I will be more than happy to transfer the ownership of the list over to you, if you'll accept of course. It is not that I am preparing to do so, not at all, but we never know. Plus I may simply die one day, or my PC may die or both, so I say this: if I am giving no sign of life for more than 5 months, that means I am in hell, or something similar

, in which case you are free to take control, even if that means copy pasting the whole shalabang into another thread so that you can edit it. And if that happens, you will of course have all the freedom to modify my definition of femdom too, if it doesn't fit with yours [I guess some people would love that]. In case you feel like you'd rather not take it over, then you will be free to give the burden over to someone else who loves real femdom. I trust that if such a situation ever arises, then you'll decide wisely.