It's in the Trello for some time, but I didn't have time to get it done yet:Nope, but surely I shouldn't have to?
After 200 odd days, I made a save and then save scummed untill the event finally triggered, but that is terrible design the more events you add to the game the more difficult it's going to become to get events to trigger the more pissed off your players will be when they spend forever doing the same stuff over and over without achieving any progress.
I honestly recommend you edit the code to force locked events to take priority over unlocked events should only be a small change to whatever rand.math function your using for event selection.
(making a massive assumption here that your events are selected each day by using multiple random number generators and just assigning each event a number I could ofcourse be massively wrong.)

Unique unplayed events have complete priority over everything else. Repeatable events are in a specific queues of their own to avoid overlaps as much as possible.
The game doesn't use true random, it's all biased and the certitude to have a specific event is well defined... except if you quit the game. When you quit, the game forgets the pre-chained sequence of event and starts over, which can push back a specific events you wanted back to the end of the queue.
Except for that specific issue that I got to fix, within a unique game session, if a specific event with cleared conditions doesn't play out in the next 20'is days, then an issue should be reported via the feedback system. It includes the log of the whole event's queue state (you can actually look at it yourself), and when reading it, I can decide what went wrong and see how to improve the system (which is how I identified the "save" issue, where a player kept leaving right before the event would have played with 100% certainty).
As the game's developer, I tend to be knowledgeable about it, and I can't express how much more complex it is than you might think from simply playing it. I've done a lot of iterations on the system so far, but I unfortunately don't get enough feedback with the logs attached to pinpoints every substlies that create these frustrating situations. It always end up on the forum with the log file long lost
But yes, there are flaws, it's a long work to get it just right with the correct amount of certainty without making the game too predictable, and as I keep getting data, I keep working on it. It's actually a very important subject for me, as I intend to leverage the system with my next game (Emily), so I really want it to be as reliable and satisfying as possible.
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