VN Ren'Py Abandoned Fertile And Mating [Ep 3] [famtasy]

3.40 star(s) 8 Votes


Nov 4, 2017
So you believe it's the responsibility of the Dev to tell those people what to do with their money, instead of the responsibility of those people to make their own decisions? Interesting.
It's the responsibility of the dev to let everyone know this project is over and he's not working on it anymore. If people THEN want to keep pumping him money, fine by me.

I've always maintained people are responsible for their own shit.

Personal responsibility is a thing.

Far too many people blame others for their own fuck ups. When it comes to finances it's always, always, always the responsibility of the people paying to keep track of their own money.

Said it once here but it's nobody else's business what anyone does with their own money. If I want to pay money to a shit milking dev then that's my right as the person earning it. I work damn hard for my money and i'll do what I want with it.

Just like it's not my business what anyone else here spends their money on.

If this dev is still making money then that's on the people paying no one else.
Of course everyone's responsible of their own money and free to use it how they want. If you want to support a scammer, it's your right to do so. But wouldn't you like to know you're supporting a scammer? That's the problem here. Officially this project is still going on.

If the dev officially does nothing, patron pays for nothing and in the end gets nothing, that's fine. No problem, as everyone involved knows what's going on.

If the dev officially is making a game, patron supports making that game and in the end gets nothing because the dev was lying, there's a problem. It's a scam because stuff was promised without any intent to deliver.


Sep 30, 2017
This is why I assume that everyone's a dumbass.

Your comment could probably make some distant sense if it was literally absolutely impossible to shut down your own Patreon page once you set it up. I don't have one so I don't know for sure, but I have a pretty strong hunch that it is indeed possible to put an end to your project. This dev never did that. And if it really was impossible, he could at least make a public post where he tells people to stop giving him any money.
Orrr, he ended up dying in that hurricane/tornado that was rumored to have hit his country, and can't do anything about his Patreon page.
Now, can we please stop beating this dead horse?


Nov 4, 2017
Orrr, he ended up dying in that hurricane/tornado that was rumored to have hit his country, and can't do anything about his Patreon page.
It's a possibility. It's also a possibility that he survived and is using it as a smokescreen. Or that he didn't even live anywhere near any such disasters in the first place. We don't know. What we DO know is what I've been saying all this time: There are crooked devs who would do that, this project is still up and running, and the charging was switched rather conveniently right before radio silence.
Now, can we please stop beating this dead horse?
More than happy to. I already stopped for almost a year until someone decided to call me a liar without being able to point out any lies.
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Active Member
Feb 13, 2019
It's a possibility. It's also a possibility that he survived and is using it as a smokescreen. Or that he didn't even live anywhere near any such disasters in the first place. We don't know. What we DO know is what I've been saying all this time: There are crooked devs who would do that, this project is still up and running, and the charging was switched rather conveniently right before radio silence.

More than happy to. I already stopped for almost a year until someone decided to call me a liar without being able to point out any lies.
Famtasy's Discord is still up. I scrolled through the posts. A user commented that the dev didn't pick up money sent to him in Sept 2018 via buymeacoffee. So, wherever he is, he's not exploiting anyone. There may be no one to close the Patreon account. Also, there were a few souls who kept a sort of vigil on Discord. The few patrons that are still on his Patreon are not idiots. They're likely either persons with their own life changes that leave Patreon in the dust or a few folks who wish the dev well, and are willing to keep the candle of hope burning for a dollar a month.

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
It's the responsibility of the dev to let everyone know this project is over and he's not working on it anymore. If people THEN want to keep pumping him money, fine by me.
I just want to point out 2 things. 1, As others have already pointed out, the dev can't get a penny if the patrons don't make a deliberate decision on their end to donate it. So you can't claim "Scam" for the dev accepting what is freely given to him.

Secondly, we have no way of knowing if it really is abandoned or not. Just because it's been a few months, or even a few years of radio silence doesn't mean that it's 100% guaranteed, set in stone abandoned. Many projects take years, if not decades to complete. It all depends on the creators ability & availability to create, If they are inspired to create or have writers block, etc... Stephen King wrote the Gunslinger, the 1st book of the Dark Tower series in 1981 & didn't finish the 7th book until 2004. Does that mean he was "scamming"? No, he just put that series on the back burner between books while he worked on other projects.

Now, that said, as competent, functional adults, should we continue to dump money into a black hole where we may not see anything come of it for a long time, if ever? I for one would not, & I do agree, there are a lot of shit devs out there that will sit on their patreons to milk as much as they can from it. & for those devs that are confirmed to be milking, yeah that's scummy. But just assuming "they gittin moneh & I ain't seen nuttin new! Theys scammins!" is a bit hyperbolic.

It's a possibility. It's also a possibility that he survived and is using it as a smokescreen. Or that he didn't even live anywhere near any such disasters in the first place. We don't know.
Soooo since you also admit that we don't know, you just decide that's good enough to assume the worst & put him on blast for it? Damn, I'm glad you're not responsible for framing any sort of judicial system. I rather prefer the whole innocent until proven guilty thing as opposed to your "We don't know, so let's assume he's guilty anyway & burn him at the stake!" thing you have going on there. I mean I know due process is kinda a foreign concept in the court of public opinion but holy shit. Yeah, is it possible he's just sitting there letting the money roll in for nothing from suckers hoping it will bring the game back? Sure. It's also possible he was killed in the earthquake or some other event, or he's without electrictiy or internet, or literally about a dozen other things. It's called life man, Guess what? The dev isn't an NPC in your world where they just serve to give you content. They have their own lives too & maybe there's things going on in his that make the game a non priority or outright inaccessible ATM.

I mean think of it like this. What if in... 3 or 4 months word comes via an obituary or something confirming he's dead? Or he comes back in 3 or 4 months with an update & announces with it "Hey sorry for the delay, my home was destroyed & I had a nightmarish struggle getting into a new one, getting internet access, dealing with X, Y & Z, but I finally was able to get to where I could finish this update". & you're sitting over there screaming "HE'S SCAMMERS CUZ I DIDNT GIT MAH PIXLE BOOBIES FAST ENOUGH THAT OTHER PEOPLE VOLUTARILY PAID FOR & I PIRATE FOR FREE!" Who'd end up looking like the self entitled douche there?
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Because he was a scammer. Sets up a patreon, does some rudimentary renders and stock UI with free music he found and didn't credit, then watch people flock in while he makes a few 'episodes' to draw out payments for a few months and then disappears with the money.
This project had no goal, no ambition behind it except to line the pockets of the dev. How are you surprised by this?
While that may be true of many devs, (& if we're being totally honest, may possibly be the case here), What if he actually did die in that earthquake? How exactly do you expect him to continue working on the game if he's dead? Do you have actual evidence that he's still alive & collecting the money? If not, then why are you yelling "He's scammins us!" When you don't really know or have all the facts?

I mean at the end of the day, We're all here pirating for free, games that other people paid for, So we really don't have any moral high ground to complain about "scam" devs. Is half assing the start of a game, bailing & continuing to take donations a dick move? yeah it is. But honestly, so is pirating a game that we didn't pay for. So it's kind of a wash either way.

So what your comment really boils down to is "I MAD CUZ I DINT GIT NEW FREE PIXLE TIDDYS TO STEAL!" which is kinda self entitled & childish, even more so if he actually IS dead & you're sitting there screaming about "DAT DURTY SCAMMER DEV THAT AIN'T GIVIN ME NO MORE FAP STUFFS!"


Nov 4, 2017
Wow. I don't know what is more impressive, that after all this time there's still someone so zealously defending this or how little sense you manage to make in a rant that long. Insert slow clap here.

First of all, all I've done here was pointing out some red flags based on what has happened before. Stuff like while the dev managed to get the word out about his troubles, he somehow struggled to put the Patreon page on hold. He also changed the charging of the page to up front right before he went missing, which I call a convenient coincidence. If you still want to have faith in this project, you can. If you still want to support this project, you can. I'm just saying that you shouldn't. Then some bozo in denial started calling me a liar just because he didn't like what was going on, so I shrugged and moved on. I've seen it before. People getting burned and then vehemently defending the initial mistake to avoid looking like an idiot, only resulting in looking like an idiot. Happens with every scam, ponzi scheme and what have you. There's just no point talking to these people.

Now, let's just decimate your post since I'm bored, and then I'm gone. For the record, I'm not talking about this dev specifically, but in general.

As others have already pointed out, the dev can't get a penny if the patrons don't make a deliberate decision on their end to donate it. So you can't claim "Scam" for the dev accepting what is freely given to him.
Yes you can. If the dev says they're creating something, asks money to support creating it and then doesn't create anything, it's a scam. Promises were made in order to get money, money was given, promises weren't fulfilled. That's pretty much the definition of a scam.

Stephen King wrote the Gunslinger, the 1st book of the Dark Tower series in 1981 & didn't finish the 7th book until 2004. Does that mean he was "scamming"?
As far as I know, Stephen King didn't sell those books beforehand and didn't get paid for writing them. If he was paid for those books beforehand and doesn't intend to write them then yes, he's a scammer and the publisher could sue him for unfulfilled contract.

It all depends on the creators ability & availability to create, If they are inspired to create or have writers block, etc...
True, weirdly enough. However, if you're not working on something, you shouldn't take money for it either. If putting everything on hold is too much to ask, letting everyone know about the situation shouldn't be. At least make it known that there isn't going to be any progress and let everyone decide whether or not they still want to support you without getting anything for it. Especially if your campaign promises "Regular Monthly Episodes" (OK, now I'm talking about this dev specifically).

...your "We don't know, so let's assume he's guilty anyway & burn him at the stake!" thing you have going on there.
I'm not "burning anyone at the stake", all I've been saying is that... You know what, forget it. If you've been reading this post this far and you still don't get it, you're not going to get it. Everything I've said about this topic has been facts. You don't have to like it, but it won't change anything.

I mean think of it like this. What if in... 3 or 4 months word comes via an obituary or something confirming he's dead?
Then I guess it would be safe to say that this project is going to stay abandoned.

Or he comes back in 3 or 4 months with an update
If that happens, then I humbly and solemnly promise to "scream "HE'S SCAMMERS CUZ I DIDNT GIT MAH PIXLE BOOBIES FAST ENOUGH THAT OTHER PEOPLE VOLUTARILY PAID FOR & I PIRATE FOR FREE!"", just to humour you. Until then, please don't put words in my mouth and accuse me of behavior that I haven't exhibited. In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been mad at the dev. I've been mad at people calling me a liar for stating facts. I've also been frustrated at people for pissing their money away, either naïvely believing in miracles or not even realizing they're still getting charged. It's their money, sure, and you're free to do anything you want with your money, sure. But some honest dev might not get as many patrons because people have got burned and want to avoid repeating their mistakes, and in such cases we all end up losing.

Over and out.

EDIT: Oh by the way, I put you on ignore so no need to waste your time.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Scammers don't EVER tell anyone they're scamming them
I wouldn't know, I totally don't know any scammers.

I spend my time helping others earn an extra $500 a month or more by becoming sharers and givers. It’s truly been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Plus, the products we share are incredible. I started doing it part time two years ago, and I’ve never looked back. It’s something that has given me the opportunity to pursue my passion and have extra time to spend with my family.

You too could also be your own boss if you come work for our company....

This is totally NOT an MLM, true story.


Nov 4, 2017
May I (rhetorical question), from experience, offer you a little bit of a different perspective on scamming which, for what it's worth, is this...
I have no idea why you even feel the need for that, since this game and thread have both been dead for years.
Scammers don't EVER tell anyone they're scamming them. As I understand the unapologetically indifferent Rules of Life, the way it works is idea is that they, as in the case of these dummies, continue to try and fool them into believing they're still carrying on. The game is always to try and figure out at some point down the road (i.e. as quick as you can) that you're not getting bang for your buck.
Thank you, Captain Obvious. I'm sure all of this was brand new information for everyone under the sun. May I give you my very slowest of claps.
You seem to be suggesting that, like, a lion, in this scenario, the scammer, disguises himself as an admittedly funky, lumpy looking zebra (not that big a deal because zebras, like some humans, really ain't so smart) and sauntering nonchalantly (yeah, they got nerve these lions, that's why they make such good scammers...except, as we shall see, for this one that is) anyway, sauntering nonchalantly right into the middle of the herd and then removing his zebra mask and roaring "Hey, I think I should warn you folks, I'm not really a zebra, but please just go about your business and don't pay me no mind. Besides, I give you my word I won't tear you limb from limb and eat you for breakfast, lunch and probably dinner too.
That's not what I'm suggesting at all, and quite frankly I have absolutely no idea how you even arrived to that conclusion. I'm not saying a scammer should come clean, I'm saying that an honest person would. This dev never did, so I drew my conclusions.
Is that how it's supposed to go down in your section of the Twilight Zone?
Wow. Just wow. All that pointless and incoherent rambling and you end it with suggesting that I'm the one who's far out.
3.40 star(s) 8 Votes