First let me say that I am blown away by your choice of pictures during tasks. I was expecting a lot of sex and cocks everywhere but you chose to go with tasteful content that didn't overwhelm the game. It is a rare thing to see a developer adapt and implement content to appease the viewers while keeping the integrity of their original game. I praise you.
I'm standing next to
Adrian24 with a cup of joe here and we're talking about the same thing.
1. Yes please start considering how you can let modders jump in here and do their holy work. In the end I don't think you want to be the one to hunt down 25 gigs of porn to immortalize your game.
2. I am kind of on the same page here with the NTR content. All I wanted to suggest is to implement a way to fight back into a relationship somehow once it has reached -10 rivalry. And, no, it doesn't have to be easy or even a practical use of resources.
3. There's a fallout in the latter stages of the game and it becomes very repetitive the further you go. I don't think simply adding more base content is the solution here. I would like to suggest adding monthly events or opportunities. Examples may include a pipe bursting in your home in January and you can devote time or money to fix the damage. The
most important thing is that you don't add something tedious and unrewarding. Telling the player to fix a pipe or your mom will hate you isn't adding value to the game. Lastly, if you can come up with more events like this than months available to place and have them appear randomly it would be even better.
4. New girls appear in the office job and when you start school. Find a hot pornstar in two swimsuit photoshoots and put her on the female swim team. You can practice swimming together after school.
Speaking of swimming, when Aunt breaks up with you, you can't use the pool to practice swimming when the school is closed. It got me in trouble at one point. Perhaps I shouldn't have allowed that to happen but something told me that it wasn't your intent, a pool at the gym perhaps? No pressure, the fact that I couldn't use her pool anymore was kinda hot in its own way.