
Aug 21, 2017
Cheat Engine is usable. I can't get gold or lewd orbs done but exp points can be manipulated. Not really needed though. Btw, in battle the "other" button leads to more options. The "self introduction" option either debuffs the enemy or buffs allies.
Playing with it I found something that if I locked it I can manipulate the yen but I don't understand the ratio and because I play games like this in the middle of the night I didn't feel like mathing it out,

I found the value and locked it to only go up then sold an item worth 37 yen the displayed value went up by 37 however the number on cheat engine only went up by 29 so without editing it I just settled with locking the value to ups only cause I didn't want to crash the game, can't find HP though to save my life probably a pointer and I hate pointers, though arousal/clothing durability where just displayed number in 4bytes

Edit Apparently the value in the cash goes up and down after what seems to be random thresholds, after i got to 10024 yen it got stuck there and when I unlocked it the CE value went down but the yen went up.
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