Wow! I didn't expect this much reaction this quickly. This is my first game and what I was most worried about was some embarrassing, crippling bug that needed a hotfix (although I'm sure one of those does exist). I've aggregated what seem to be the most asked questions and tried to answer as many as I can:
1. How much content is there?
An honest assessment of the content in this demo:
* Only two character have any in depth content, the mom and a secret bonus character (not the sister)
* The mom has four "reward" scenes which are animated. The secret bonus character has one.
* Only one location (the home) which you are confined to for now. There are 11 indoor+outdoor "rooms" (not counting closeups)
* The sister doesn't have any puzzles to solve, but if you check her room in the afternoon/evening, you'll see some different configurations of her and her two friends. Occasionally, you can catch her in the shower in the evening.
* It would take me about 25 minutes to speed run the mom's story, about 10 minutes for the secret bonus character. No other character has any in depth content to make a walkthrough for.
* 5,000 lines of dialogue, although a lot of that is messages from looking/talking/using random objects.
2. Text is too slow, character walks too slow, fast travel, why does mc walk over to a hotspot
There is not a way to adjust the text speed, but that will be prioritized.
I will make it so you can double click to have MC move at run speed. I will also consider other quality-of-life improvements suggested to make the expreience less of a chore.
3. Walkthrough?
I'm in the process of putting together a walkthrough for the Mom (who has by far the most content) and will post it probably in this thread with spoiler tags.
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4. Can we get a preview of the sister?
She is featured in the banner in the OP. I've attached a preview of what she looks like (although I've gotta fix those hands).
The sister doesn't have much content yet, but you can catch her in the afternoon and evening hanging out in her bedroom with some configuration of her two friends, Marie and Jasmine. Occasionally, you can catch her in the shower in the evenings.
I've attached a preview, and her
5. What does Filth Level do?
It doesn't do anything (important) and will be removed next patch.
6. Not enough Empathy, but I can't seem to figure out how to raise empathy or courage.
The courage puzzle is probably way too obtuse and needs to be made less annoying. Courage can come in liquid form, and is time-of-day dependent.
As far as Empathy, there are two things you need to do. One is to find the mom asleep in the kitchen in the morning (should be pretty easy). The other is hinted at in your Journal (the Trapper keeper menu) under Contacts. The hint for the Mom should say "Your room is so messy!" That's your hint. You need to clean your room.
7. Will we be able to impregnate the mother or sister?
That is planned, but will be a while.
8. Animations are too long.
Fair enough. I will take a look at this.
9. Skipped Tutorial and ended up being confused.
I will earnestly take all of these comments about being confused about how to even work the game under consideration and try to explain the UI better.
10. Love the art!
I'm honestly shocked that people are saying this. I imagined it would be seen as one of the weaker parts of the game, but I guess the consensus must be that the story, music, and dialogue all suck by comparison.
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