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Actually maybe we can make a thread.
But science it's not English idk if it'll be approved
If we want to make a GAME! Thread for Flower Stella, it will never get approved as it will be in breach of
Game upload rule 1.2.
If we just want a thread, then i don`t see where there is a problem.
There are countless translation threads on this site, but none are marked as game threads.
I think Flower Stella needs its own thread.
We have more posts about that game than Flower Witch in here
I kind of agree with you, but again, it won`t be a game thread and as such will just fade into obscurity.
We will be lucky if it get`s added to op, but not even the russion version of the game was linked, dispaid me having made a request to have it added soooo tuff luck i guess.
In addition, i don`t thing there is enough traffic here to warrant that. All the flower fans who care are here. If someone asks a question to Flower Witch, it get`s answered pretty fast, so it`s not like where drowning out comments about Witch.
Without Stella, this thread would be literally dead.
General Rule 2.1.2 there are no issues here to, to answer that question in advance.