May 17, 2018
I've figured out a lot of stuff about this game but I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn futanari mode on. Is it a spell flower I find? Is those white drops enemies keep dropping? Is it a story event? Can someone help?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
ThrowawayBadger This flower spits out a seed in the air when you get close. Get hit by it to turn into a futa. They simply start spawning very late - second-to-last [or maybe even the last] area. At some point - I cannot recall what exactly the activation trigger is, e.g. first transformation or some scripted event - you gain the ability to switch between normal and futa states by interacting with the Save Crystal when at full HP.



Aug 24, 2017
ThrowawayBadger This flower spits out a seed in the air when you get close. Get hit by it to turn into a futa. They simply start spawning very late - second-to-last [or maybe even the last] area. At some point - I cannot recall what exactly the activation trigger is, e.g. first transformation or some scripted event - you gain the ability to switch between normal and futa states by interacting with the Save Crystal when at full HP.

View attachment 832873
The ability to switch to futa acctually a magic flower , you can find it in a cave at the last area in the same map where there is a red fruit thing


New Member
Sep 29, 2017
I've figured out a lot of stuff about this game but I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn futanari mode on. Is it a spell flower I find? Is those white drops enemies keep dropping? Is it a story event? Can someone help?
how can i fuck something or someone without gentting a game over screen ?
You can catch seed of this flower. It gives you "male" sign and cock. Press incantation button to fuck lying girls or masturbate


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
it's the last option on the table, "pointscan result"
Pointing it out is nice, but doesn't really answer my question about how it works.
To be more precise, what do I need to do in order for it to work, that the health gets fixed?
Honestly, the most I have done with CE is find some values and edit them if I am certain that they are the right ones, not much besides that.

Edit: Nevermind, I had to tick the box for it to keep the value (or rather for it to keep reverting to it). Are the other two things irrelevant then, since nothing seems to happen with them?


Dec 8, 2018
A "short" list of collectibles including: flowers, items, creatures and game overs; with a "little" information on how to get them.
Pictures are in the attached zip file, since there is a lot of them.
Information is from playing version 2.4 on HARD difficulty. Difficulty effects enemy spawn and drop rates.
It is advisable to play "Flower Fairy" first as this is the sequel to that, as well as to get an understanding of the controls, enemy behavior and exploration mechanics.
Holding down the jump button will make you jump a little bit higher, it is possible to dash twice while in the air if you have enough "magic" gauge, likewise it is possible to get to higher places by pressing attack while doing a dash.
Double dash can be used when you are close to a ledge that the first dash would not be enough to get you over, however dash-attack cannot be used immediately after "touching" a wall/ledge.
Places that have puffs of smoke show up for a second when you first approach them and then disappear can usually be dropped down,
even if elsewhere in the game you can't drop down such places (bridges for instance).
"Pollen effect" can be gained from white flowers that disperse it in some areas when your health is low enough (skirt must be torn), or by using magic flower No.11 Twilight Lily.
A great deal of thanks is owed to people from the ULMF forum for sharing information on where they found some of the magic flowers.

Magic Flowers:
No.01 Sunflower Seed - default magic flower from the start of the game.
No.02 Rose Thorn Whip - Kotani Wind Tunnel West, in the first cave area jump into the waterfall to the left and follow the rose trail to an abandoned lab area.
No.03 Blooming Dandelion - after Yunino's/unicorn garden under a wooden bridge that shows puffs of smoke, you can drop down under it (despite similar ones not allowing it).
No.04 Morning Glory - Creta Cave. To get to it you need to go all the way trough the cave to the first area of Unicorn Garden and go up left (where the 2 large yellow flower platforms are).
No.05 Mud Lotus - in the area guarded by octopus tentacles near the octopirate boss(left-down from Underground Lake). You remove the tentacles by talking to her in the starting house after you beat her.
No.06 Spider Lily - After aquiring the axe (right,up,left from golem boss in Cultivation Center) go right to Junkyard area.
No.07 Sakura Cloud - drops from Journal Entry No.033 Holy Knightess Anise when you defeat her for the first time in the Canopy area.
No.08 White Peach Flower - from hitting the small peach trees in the bottom part of the starting house.
No.09 Flourishing Violet - Warp to the last save point in area 4 (Ice Cavern), go through where the succubat fight was to another save point that you can't normally warp to (high above to the right). Instead of dropping down the cliff to the area below, do a double jump + air dashes to the right. It's a long way and might be hard to reach if you don't have a weapon that lets you air dash 3 times, or magic flower No.07 Sakura Cloud to extend the dash a bit. There's an ice cave you can reach, and if you go through there (it's a pretty long area) you'll find flower 09 at the end.
No.10 Tree Peony - Starting from the first warp point of area 6 (Passageway), go right then down a screen to an area where you start surrounded by water on the left and right (there's a large lotus flower floating in the water to the left). Enter the water to the left, drop down to a new screen and make your way through this underwater area to find 10 at the end. Getting back up afterwards can be a bit tricky, but it's doable.
No.11 Twilight Lily- Warp to the 5th save point of area 6 (Wide Flower Graveyard/Great Flower Stem), then continue until you reach the tall room with the large red fruit thing you have to destroy and the two plant girls that drop down from the ceiling. About halfway up this room on the right there's a gap with an elf archer, kill her and walk towards the wall on the right. You'll hear a wind noise which is supposed to be a clue that the wall's actually hollow. Attack the wall until it breaks, then walk through the hole to a new screen. Go through this pretty small area until you reach a giant flower (it looks like the ones in the final boss fight), then attack it until it opens.

Item Gallery:
Collection No.001 Bat Wings - drop from Journal Entry No.001 Large Bat
Collection No.002 Root of Carnivorous Plant -drop from Journal Entry No.002 Moving Plant Bulb
Collection No.003 Apple - Random drop
Collection No.004 Insect Wings - drop from Journal Entry No.003 West Kotani Bug
Collection No.005 Carrot - Random drop
Collection No.006 Medicinal Herb - Random drop
Collection No.007 Cotton - Random Drop
Collection No.008 Elf Bow - drop from Journal Entry No.004 Elf Archer
Collection No.009 Carnivorous Plant Fruit - drop from Journal Entry No.005 Bug Hunter
Collection No.010 Huge Earthworm - drop from Journal Entry No.006 Hermit Worm (tree with worms sticking out of it when aproached), 1 can be found in creta cave, only 3 seem to exist in the entire game.
Collection No.011 Excavator Vines - random drop from plant creatures, higher chance to drop from boss Journal Entry No.028 Big Stick Insect
Collection No.012 Teike's Bracelet - drop from Journal Entry No.008 Sequoia Spirit Teike
Collection No.013 Caterpillar Claw - drop from Journal Entry No.009 Green Caterpillar
Collection No.014 Butterfly Wings - drop from Journal Entry No.010 Yellow Butterfly
Collection No.015 Dandelion Seeds - drop from Journal Entry No.011 Dandelion Spirit
Collection No.016 Scorpion Stinger - drop from Journal Entry No.012 Large Scorpion
Collection No.017 Ribbon - drop from girl with big sword Journal Entry No.013 Adventurer Charmelaria
Collection No.018 Magic Staff - drop from Journal Entry No.014 Magical Girl Marie during boss fight with Journal Entry No.028 Big Stick Insect
Collection No.019 Toad Balloon Bladder - drop from Journal Entry No.015 Toad Balloon
Collection No.020 Moss-Covered Shell - drop from Journal Entry No.016 Blue Long-Legged Beetle
Collection No.021 Cave Grapes - Random drop
Collection No.022 Clody Crystal - Random drop
Collection No.023 Natural Ruby - Random drop
Collection No.024 Spotted Amber - Random drop
Collection No.025 Azure Crystal - Random drop
Collection No.026 Skull - Random drop
Collection No.027 Snail Shell - drop from Journal Entry No.018 Huge Snail
Collection No.028 Small Bell - Random drop, higher chance to drop from Journal Entry No.024 Small Fairy
Collection No.029 Attack Bead - Scattered throughout the game, blue color, 1 needed to unlock entry, 10 exist in total
Collection No.030 Defense Bead - Scattered throughout the game, yellow color, 1 needed to unlock entry, 10 exist in total
Collection No.031 Cutlass - drop from Journal Entry No.019 Pirate Princess Nanamifune
Collection No.032 Glasses - Random drop
Collection No.033 Curled Horn - drop from Journal Entry No.020 Curled Horn Girl
Collection No.034 Unicorn Horn - drop from Journal Entry No.021 Unicron Yunino, after a dozen times on Hard it wouldn't drop, switching to Easy made it drop after 2 tries...
Collection No.035 Diamond Ring - found in a red chest, inside Creta Cave
Collection No.036 Pink Coral - Random drop from aquatic creatures, higher chance from Journal Entry No.054 Hermit Crab
Collection No.037 Love Letter - found in a red chest (the one at Elf Village, that you need to crawl through a green bush from another area to reach)
Collection No.038 Amethyst Necklace - found in a red chest (one in the Courtyard Cemetery)
Collection No.039 Thief's Golves - drop from Journal Entry No.023 Crystal Witch Siamia
Collection No.040 Magic Sword - drop from Journal Entry No.023 Crystal Witch Siamia
Collection No.041 Acorn - drop from Journal Entry No.024 Small Fairy
Collection No.042 Crocodilian's Tongue - drop from Journal Entry No.025 Crocodilian
Collection No.043 Shell Hairpin - drop from Journal Entry No.026 Mermaid
Collection No.044 Hole of Darkness - drop from Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko
Collection No.045 Camouflaged Branch - drop from Journal Entry No.028 Big Stick Insect, wouldn't drop on hard after 8 times, switching to Normal caused it to drop on the first try....
Collection No.046 Succubus' Whip - drop from Journal Entry No.029 Succubus Lilie Mimie
Collection No.047 Chipped Crystal Fragment - Random drop
Collection No.048 Poisonous Mushroom - Random drop
Collection No.049 Stew Mushroom - Random drop
Collection No.050 Old Gold Coin - Random drop
Collection No.051 Red Parasol Mushroom - Random drop
Collection No.052 Decoy Mushroom - Random drop
Collection No.053 Polka-Dotted Mushroom - Random drop
Collection No.054 Golden Mushroom - found in a red chest at the very top of Canopy, just before Elf village
Collection No.055 Pure crystal - found in a red chest in the ice cave that also has magic flower No.09 Flourishing Violet
Collection No.056 Ghost Boots - drop from Journal Entry No.030 Ghostess Alunerica
Collection No.057 Golden Cup - found in a red chest underneath the first stone bridge (at the end of the bridge smoke/bubbles will apear when first approaching, it is possible to drop down)
Collection No.058 Wooden Box - found in a red chest that is behind a wall (so you can't actually see it...) underneath the second stone bridge in the darkness, jump to a ledge to the far left, then crouch and attack around and crawl around till you get it
Collection No.059 Weak Ghost Fragment - drop from Journal Entry No.031 Wisp
Collection No.060 Golem Bracelet - drop from Journal Entry No.032 Wood Golem
Collection No.061 Stump - Random drop, higher chance from plants
Collection No.062 Resistance Bead - Scattered throughout the game, red color, 1 needed to unlock entry, 10 exist in total
Collection No.063 Magic Bead - Scattered throughout the game, green color, 1 needed to unlock entry, 10 exist in total
Collection No.064 Feather Cross - drop from Journal Entry No.033 Holy Knightess Anise
Collection No.065 Karakumo's Holy Scripture - drop from Journal Entry No.034 Holy Maiden Estiria
Collection No.066 Wisp Cage - drop from Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko
Collection No.067 Iron Maiden's Mask - drop from Journal Entry No.036 Iron Maiden
Collection No.068 Banana - Random drop
Collection No.069 Orange - Random drop
Collection No.070 Water Dropwort - Random drop
Collection No.071 Forget-Me-Not - Random drop
Collection No.072 Kiss-Me-Quick - Random drop
Collection No.073 Caterpillar's Ootheca - drop from Journal Entry No.037 Caterpillar
Collection No.074 Sea Jelly - drop from Journal Entry No.038 Electric Jellyfish
Collection No.075 White Bandage - drop from Journal Entry No.039 Zombie Girl
Collection No.076 Cross Necklace - random drop, higher chance from Journal Entry No.040 Coffin
Collection No.077 Tentacle of Piercing Vines - drop from Journal Entry No.052 Thorn Vines
Collection No.078 Spider Thread - random drop, higher chance from Journal Entry No.042 Spider Girl
Collection No.079 Dark Green Beret - drop from Journal Entry No.043 Woodland Queen Fuchi
Collection No.080 Snowflake - drop from Journal Entry No.044 Snow Woman
Collection No.81 Harpy Blade Feather - drop from Journal Entry No.045 Harpy
Collection No.082 White Pelt - drop from Journal Entry No.046 White Furball
Collection No.083 Caltrop Murex - drop from Journal Entry No.048 Rock Rabbit & Journal Entry No.054 Hermit Crab
Collection No.084 Forest Witch's Hat - drop from Journal Entry No.050 Forest Witch Kurosane after you finish the H-scene with her during the final boss fight, almost guaranteed drop on Hard, not guaranteed on lower difficulty
Collection No.085 Sea Anemone Meat - drop from Journal Entry No.051 Tentacle Gourd
Collection No.086 Handaxe - "story item", drops from destructible cabinet next to wooden boxes after the Golem boss fight, allows destroying hardened wooden boxes (right,up,left from golem boss in Cultivation Center)
Collection No.087 Automatic Cogwheel - drop from Journal Entry No.055 Cogwheel Control Golem/Journal Entry No.056 Cogwheel Pursuit Golem
Collection No.088 Rock Tribe Iron Club - drop from Journal Entry No.053 Rock Ogre
Collection No.089 Lily Flower - drop from Journal Entry No.060 Creep Flower
Collection No.090 Peach - drop from peach trees in the "outside" water area in the witches house alongside magic flower No.08 White Peach Flower
Collection No.091 Elf's Sword - drop from Journal Entry No.058 Black Elf
Collection No.092 Catfish Whiskers - drop from Journal Entry No.059 Catfish
Collection No.093 Magical Lamp - guaranteed reward for defeating Journal Entry No.062 Fire Witch Marie and completing the game on Hard difficulty, haven't tested on other difficulties
Collection No.094 Star Fragment - guaranteed reward for defeating the "secret" boss Journal Entry No.066 Unwilting Witch and talking to Journal Entry No.019 Pirate Princess Nanamifune
Collection No.095 Rock Tribe Cloth - drop from Journal Entry No.022 Rock Princess
Collection No.096 Octopus Incense Amphora - after finishing the game, guaranteed reward from talking No.019 Pirate Princess Nanamifune after exploring the end game cave and talking to her enough times (in version 2.04 you need to beat around 60 rooms, and talk to her at least once in each of the 3 different rest point areas for the conversation to be guaranteed), becomes a random drop in the end game cave after she gives you the first one
Collection No.097 Rose Bottle - guaranteed reward from talking to Journal Entry No.029 Succubus Lilie Mimie after defeating 5 bosses from her selection list on Hard difficulty, becomes a random drop item from repeatable bosses after she gifts you the first one
Collection No.098 Oil Jar of the Dark Flowerbed - guaranteed reward from talking to Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko after completing the game, might require Collection No.097 Rose Bottle to have been unlocked first before the conversation becomes available, also becomes a high chance random drop from bosses in her "pot trials" after she gifts you the first one
Collection No.099 Magician's Stick - drop from Journal Entry No.067 Magician's Ghost
Collection No.100 Kurosane's Portrait - guaranteed reward at the end of Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko's "pot trials"

Many creatures including some vines/traps that didn't have entries in the previous game now have entries in the journal and can be unlocked by their respective drops unless stated otherwise.

Journal Entry No.001 Large Bat
Journal Entry No.002 Moving Plant Bulb
Journal Entry No.003 West Kotani Bug
Journal Entry No.004 Elf Archer
Journal Entry No.005 Bug Hunter - Safest to farm after acquiring magic flower No.02 Rose Thorn Whip, need to destroy both sides of vines and then destroy the middle part before they grow back.
Journal Entry No.006 Hermit Worm
Journal Entry No.007 Ground Vines - requires Collection No.011 Excavator Vines
Journal Entry No.008 Sequoia Spirit Teike
Journal Entry No.009 Green Caterpillar
Journal Entry No.010 Yellow Butterfly
Journal Entry No.011 Dandelion Spirit
Journal Entry No.012 Large Scorpion
Journal Entry No.013 Adventurer Charmelaria
Journal Entry No.014 Magical Girl Marie
Journal Entry No.015 Toad Balloon
Journal Entry No.016 Blue Long-Legged Beetle
Journal Entry No.017 Aphrodisiac Gas
Journal Entry No.018 Huge Snail
Journal Entry No.019 Pirate Princess Nanamifune
Journal Entry No.020 Curled Horn Girl
Journal Entry No.021 Unicron Yunino
Journal Entry No.022 Rock Princess - giant who's restrained with flowers, two areas after the fifth save point in area 6 near the end of the game (used to be bugged in older versions)
Journal Entry No.023 Crystal Witch Siamia
Journal Entry No.024 Small Fairy
Journal Entry No.025 Crocodilian
Journal Entry No.026 Mermaid
Journal Entry No.027 Shadow Hands
Journal Entry No.028 Big Stick Insect
Journal Entry No.029 Succubus Lilie Mimie
Journal Entry No.030 Ghostess Alunerica
Journal Entry No.031 Wisp
Journal Entry No.032 Wood Golem
Journal Entry No.033 Holy Knightess Anise - apears in one of the areas of the canopy, can fight her again as a repeatable boss from your house when talking to Journal Entry No.029 Succubus Lilie Mimie, also appears in "pot trials"
Journal Entry No.034 Holy Maiden Estiria - high chance of spawning in boss battle with Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko on Hard, small chance of spawning randomly in end game cave
Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko
Journal Entry No.036 Iron Maiden
Journal Entry No.037 Caterpillar
Journal Entry No.038 Electric Jellyfish
Journal Entry No.039 Zombie Girl
Journal Entry No.040 Coffin - requires Collection No.076 Cross Necklace
Journal Entry No.041 Piercing Vines - unlocked on it's own, might be related to Collection No.011 Excavator Vines or something similar
Journal Entry No.042 Spider Girl
Journal Entry No.043 Woodland Queen Fuchi
Journal Entry No.044 Snow Woman
Journal Entry No.045 Harpy
Journal Entry No.046 White Furball
Journal Entry No.047 Spider Web
Journal Entry No.048 Rock Rabbit
Journal Entry No.049 Icicles - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.050 Forest Witch Kurosane - only appears during the final battle with Journal Entry No.061 Flower Fairy Clarasaphie, this battle can be repeated by returning to the area after beating the game; does not appear in the repeatable bosses battle offered by Journal Entry No.029 Succubus Lilie Mimie at your home
Journal Entry No.051 Tentacle Gourd
Journal Entry No.052 Thorn Vines
Journal Entry No.053 Rock Ogre
Journal Entry No.054 Hermit Crab
Journal Entry No.055 Cogwheel Control Golem
Journal Entry No.056 Cogwheel Pursuit Golem
Journal Entry No.057 Lily Monster - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.058 Black Elf
Journal Entry No.059 Catfish - can not be killed, only stunned for short periods of time, small chance to drop items each time it is stunned
Journal Entry No.060 Creep Flower - requires Collection No.089 Lily Flower
Journal Entry No.061 Flower Fairy Clarasaphie - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.062 Fire Witch Marie - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.063 Tentacle Swarm - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.064 Verdure Spirit - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.065 White Flower - unlocked on it's own
Journal Entry No.066 Unwilting Witch - you must get Collection No.096 Octopus Incense Amphora first, then find the 4th rest room that looks like a laboratory in the end game cave (you can save to be able to return to it latter), it has a semi-random chance of being the next rest room when exiting from the "first type of cave rooms", go down left to get to the boss area from the 4th rest room, up left is the NPC gallery. When you do enough damage for her to fall to the ground initiate "H" to win (you must have "pollen effect")
Journal Entry No.067 Magician's Ghost - sometimes spawns in the room above the Cultivation Center teleport location, sometimes becomes invincible due to a bug if not killed quickly and is thus best farmed on easy/normal, there is also a program "leak" in this room that will cause the game to slowly consume more and more RAM over time and will be made even worse if you decide to go to another room and then return to it, from testing the game seems to be made to throw an error or crash when it reaches between 4 to 6 GB RAM usage so as soon as you get her drop run like mad to the save crystal and hope you make it in time, then exit the game and launch it again to avoid having it crash when you don't expect it; the enemy is also guaranteed to spawn on one of the "pot trial" maps and doesn't look to be bugged there, but don't try farming on those trials since death means losing all item's found in the trial (the enemy and it's item were added in an update).

Pot "GAME OVER" screens (After defeating Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko she opens a shop in front of the game starting area, underneath the save crystal):
END No.001 - losing during "H" to some enemies (usually humanoid)
END No.002 - losing during "H" to some enemies
END No.003 - regular death
END No.004 - losing during "H" to some enemies (usually traps like vines and shadows)
END No.005 - underwater death
END No.006 - lose during "H" to enemies that can eat you
END No.007 - lose during "H" to enemies that lay eggs or have webbing (spiders/butterflies)
END No.008 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.008 Sequoia Spirit Teike
END No.009 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.021 Unicron Yunino
END No.010 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.014 Magical Girl Marie, during the boss fight with Journal Entry No.028 Big Stick Insect
END No.011 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.043 Woodland Queen Fuchi
END No.012 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.019 Pirate Princess Nanamifune
END No.013 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.029 Succubus Lilie Mimie
END No.014 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.035 Necromancer Nieko
END No.015 - losing during "H" to some enemies
END No.016 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.033 Holy Knightess Anise
END No.017 - lose during "H" to Journal Entry No.023 Crystal Witch Siamia, must "trick/guide" her to get caught by a large white flower during the fight, before losing
END No.018 - lose during the boss fight with Journal Entry No.061 Flower Fairy Clarasaphie
END No.019 - lose during the boss fight with Journal Entry No.062 Fire Witch Marie
END No.020 - lose while under effect of fairy pollen
END No.021 - lose during "H" to "secret boss" Journal Entry No.066 Unwilting Witch
END No.022 - "H" Journal Entry No.050 Forest Witch Kurosane during boss fight with Journal Entry No.061 Flower Fairy Clarasaphie, beat the game and wait for credits to end (might require it to be your "first" time while under the pollen effect).

Orbs (named after their hex addresses in data.bin in case someone can't figure out which ones they are missing):
Blue (ATK)
97 - Thorn/Rose cave, hidden under falling water+rose petals+green bush, crouch/crawl to collect
98 - Canopy, roughly midway right when traveling upwards through the areas
99 - Snowy mountain, next to coffins
9A - Underground Lake (right after Elder Valley), go to the bottom right of the map, jump across the pit/waterfall, it's in the rock formation above
9B - Deep Waterfalls, after going underwater go all the way to the right where you can jump out of the water
9C - Canopy, after the exit from Deep Waterfalls, underneath the wooden bridge with golem
9D - Elf Village/Grub wind road, in the area with 3 openings in the ceiling one will take you to it
9E - East Passageway/Floral rift, after dropping down into the area with two water areas, up right
9F - Floral Rift, go down, go right past the boxes, until you reach a large white flower, it is above
A0 - Lower Fairy Land, near the exit of the area, in the vines above the water with catfishes
Yellow (DEF)
A1 - Thorn/Rose Cave, left down from Journal Entry No.005 Bug Hunter
A2 - Canopy, close to the top exit of the area drop down right, then down right again
A3 - Ice Cave, lowest rightmost area past the falling ice, next to a Coffin
A4 - Ice Cave, in the high above area that's difficult to reach, instead of continuing down right for the magic flower go down, then down left
A5 - Underground Lake (right after Elder Valley), go to the bottom right of the map and jump into the pit/waterfall, dash left as you are falling
A6 - Courtyard Cemetery/East Passageway, at the broken bridge, under the middle bridge area
A7 - Courtyard Cemetery/East Passageway, underneath the bridge, in the dark area go right to the next dark area with lifts, destroy wooden boxes
A8 - Floral Rift, when dropping from above go right, keep going right
A9 - Lower Fairy Land, go through the water, then jump up and go left (careful not to bump your head on the ceiling)
AA - The Forest Witch's House, starting area, go right down, destroy the wooden boxes
Red (RES)
AB - Kotani Wind Tunnel, at the entrance to the right
AC - Creta Cave, after going down into the cave go up, go left
AD - Grub Wind Road/Elf Village, after going through the small Canopy area and coming back inside, behind the spider web
AE - Underground Lake, in the large area (with logs in the water bellow), go right to where there is usually a mermaid
AF - Floral Rift, when dropping from above go right, then when possible go down, go left
B0 - The Forest Witch's House, starting area, go up left to her room (Succubus later comes to this room), to the far left in the bushes next to roses
B1 - Unicorn/Yunino's Garden, bellow the area with flower platforms and 2 water holes
B2 - Grub Wind Road/Elf Village, go all the way down, jump and destroy the higher crates but leave the lowest one intact, use it to get back up, destroy middle area crates
B3 - Thorn/Rose Cave, opposite the area with orb "97", next to an "unfortunate" Elf
B4 - Courtyard Cemetery/East Passageway, destroy the wooden boxes
Green (MAG)
B5 - Sequoia Teike's Garden/Creta Cave, between those two areas, under a broken wooden bridge go left. jump above the rock and and green bush
B6 - Great Spider Nest/Web/Snowy Mountain, go right up until you are high enough, then jump back to the left platform, jump/dash left
B7 - Underground Lake (after Elder Valley), mid right area, drop down with the water until you reach it
B8 - Deep Waterfalls, near the exit from the area, above the area with water, a log, archer, toad and wasp
B9 - East Passageway/Floral rift, go down right
BA - Underground Lake/Gyaena Lake Bed, after defeating Journal Entry No.019 Pirate Princess Nanamifune, where the tentacles used to block the path, same room as No.05 Mud Lotus, far left
BB - East Passageway/Floral rift, after dropping down into the area with two water areas, go left up to the waterfall where the flower on water is
BC - Thorn/Rose cave, behind the wooden crates, come back to it after getting the Collection No.086 Handaxe
BD - Wide Flower Graveyard/Great Flower Stem, in the area with the dropping enemies and red fruit that needs to be destroyed, mid/high right
BE - Lower Fairy Land, area with rock platforms, mid right

*Advice for flowers on HARD*
No.01 Sunflower Seed is very useful for eliminating enemies from range so you don't risk getting hurt up close, but requires patience. Can be used in mid air, can slow down your fall if need be, or re-direct you out of harms way.
It's useful in almost every scenario imaginable on HARD and as such is recommended to have equiped almost always.
No.02 Rose Thorn Whip can do more damage, especially with staffs that grant + magic dmg, but it can only be used when on the ground.
No.03 Blooming Dandelion is an interesting concept but useless for most difficulty areas on Hard. Can hold cast button to only move butterfly, or have it move with your movement.
No.04 Morning Glory can do good dmg early game, but it has tiny reach and leaves you unable to move for a few frames while casting, it's actually safer to just run+attack then reverse run+attack enemies the use this flower.
No.05 Mud Lotus in theory is nice, but in practice most enemies on HARD will attack you both in the air, and just before you can hit the ground resulting in you taking a ton of damage, while your enemies take none cause they canceled your attack/ability.
If you actually manage to land it....most enemies will not die from a single hit, but they will hit you back before you can recover.
No.06 Spider Lily can be very useful against some bosses, as well as some flying enemies, can also be used to "backtrack" while in the air if you are falling to your doom.
However if you get good at timing dash+attacks there are other flowers that can be more useful.
No.07 Sakura Cloud does not look very good on paper, but in practice it can carry you trough the toughest bosses and the most "cluster f*ck" enemy infested rooms imaginable. Learn to time your dash based on it's i-frames and you've basically won the whole game already.
If you find a staff that grants additional i-frames (added moment of invincibility while dashing) you can beat the game without ever taking damage, all the while not even breaking a sweat.
No.08 White Peach Flower is extremely situational, if you find a staff with 2 or more slots early game it can be very useful, but due to limited use until you find the next save crystal it should be used in moderation. It cannot be grown on some surfaces which further limits it's use.
The need for more "offensive" flower abilities latter in the game to finish things before more enemies spawn, as well as enemies on HARD doing crazy dmg at times renders this flower even less useful.
No.09 Flourishing Violet is one of those "offensive" flowers that can significantly increase your dmg output and survivability when you get used to how enemies time their attacks. It's "combo" allows you to do a lot of dmg and dash behind the enemy before they can react.
While useful in general purpose scenarios it does hold the danger of dashing you off of a cliff, so be careful. Not useful against "most" bosses, due to many of them having "phases" where they can only be hit once or twice before becoming invincible and moving elsewhere.
No.10 Tree Peony is a very odd flower, adding the evasive roll while crouching can give some additional movement options in difficult fights, but it's i-frames are very limited. It's only feasible use is against mostly ground based bosses, crouch attacking, then rolling behind them to avoid their attack, repeat until they die.
However since crouching on it's own already makes it difficult for bosses and regular enemies alike to throw you around into other dangers(a serious problem even on lower difficulties while exploring for the first time) and regular dashes or even regular movement can be timed to get out of harms way it is better to have some other flower equipped.
No.11 Twilight Lily is the most specific flower to use of all of them, it has no combat benefit and actually makes you weaker since you can't use magic casting when it's "pollen effect" is activated by touching a save crystal.
It's single purpose is to allow switching the effect on and off without the need to get damaged and find white flowers that disperse pollen. As far as fighting goes it is only advised to be used against the "secret boss" in the end game cave, since the boss is actually invincible and can only be beaten by triggering "H" while it's stunned.
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Mar 1, 2020
Collection No.036 Pink Coral - Random drop from aquatic creatures, higher chance from Journal Entry No.054 Hermit Crab
I think for this item there is also a chest after teleporting to 3rd shortcut of area 6. Go down-right, then the middle passage on the right
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Dec 8, 2018
I think for this item there is also a chest after teleporting to 3rd shortcut of are 6. Go down-right, then the middle passage on the right
You are correct, however it may not be guaranteed. Originally when playing on Hard it was there, but when playing a new game to record all the items I didn't originally take screenshots of, it did not spawn. It is worth mentioning that I had already collected it from a random drop before entering this area on a new game. Some staffs also did not spawn, or spawned but had different stats and some seemed to be the same as on my first run.
Also important is that regular chests can drop several of the mushrooms, gems and other items randomly (hence why they are also found in the randomized end game dungeon). Thus only red chests which have guaranteed drops were listed.
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Aug 9, 2020
so i got a few question, is the end game cave is the one where we need to talk to the pirate, and does end 22 first time mean like we didn't fuck anyone while we're at the futa state from the pollen?
Mar 1, 2020
So, I guess to progress the Octopirate first you beat her, then talk to her at home, then talk to her as you go through end-game-dungeon Lily Cave to get her bed incense. She randomly has something new to say in Lily Cave.

CG 22 is unlocked I believe if you do H with the master at the final boss battle and its your first H - Sex/Futanari/Kiss counters are 0 at down-right when you check status
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Aug 9, 2020
So, I guess to progress the Octopirate first you beat her, then talk to her at home, then talk to her as you go through end-game-dungeon Lily Cave to get her bed incense. She randomly has something new to say in Lily Cave.

CG 22 is unlocked I believe if you do H with the master at the final boss battle and its your first H - Sex/Futanari/Kiss counters are 0 at down-right when you check status
So, I guess to progress the Octopirate first you beat her, then talk to her at home, then talk to her as you go through end-game-dungeon Lily Cave to get her bed incense. She randomly has something new to say in Lily Cave.

CG 22 is unlocked I believe if you do H with the master at the final boss battle and its your first H - Sex/Futanari/Kiss counters are 0 at down-right when you check status
well shit, guess i got to restart the whole game cause i fucked a few elfs on my way to the final, thanks for the asnwer
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Aug 9, 2020
how the hell do you get to the 4th rest area in the end game cave?! i've been running through 3 same stupid rooms for days, and i beaten around 100 room or more and the octopus girl won't give me any item. (im uising version2.4)


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
VioletLilac It works like this:

1. You need to clear 100 rooms;
2. You need to talk to the octopus girl whenever her room spawns (without leaving the dungeon, of course);
3. Using the save crystals halves your cleared room count;
4. Leaving the dungeon resets your progress;
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Mar 1, 2020
How I understand, 4th area spawns when you enter a rest room and room-clear-count is 45+. Using SaveCrystal halves rooms-cleared-count.
here should be couple of edited savefiles , in one of them save is in 4th Lily Cave
1. BOSSRUN - my personal quick run through the game, I think I edited myself an OP staff at the start.
2. PLUS - all Shortcuts, all magic flowers except Peach and Lily equipped, different hacked OP staffs in inventory
3. PlusCave - same as PLUS, but savespot edited to the bottom of Lily Cave

hope I didnt mess up

From the bottom of Lily Cave, there are exits to the right to continue exploring, top-left for the room with lot of animation, down-left for the secret boss, talk to Octopirate mid-right to leave

Saves for me on Windows 7 are in C:\Users\~CurrentUser~\AppData\Local\flowerwitch

Edit: also adding data.rar - save PlusCave, but with most Items unlocked (except 94th, adding which might keep secret boss from spawning) and a number of Bed items - go home to your bed and there should be an option to use those
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Mar 1, 2020
I didn't really-really noticed any difficulty difference as room count goes up, maybe extra xx% monsters spawn where xx is room clear count
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