this is a broken piece of trash chess game. No promotion, no castleing, illegal moves allowed. WTF?
Ah yes, the classic chess we know and love.To win, you must capture all the chess of the opponent
Based on some comments - not.Great opportunity to learn chess
Pawn promotion is in the standard international tournament rules.Evbtw, my grandpa played without the "convert-a-pawn-who-crossed-the-field"'s rule, so that's how i learned to play chess game (maybe it's an old rules, as in monopoly, guess nobody played it with the same rules/cheats)
1. Nc3 c6
2. d4 Qc7
3. e4 e5
4. d5 Bb4
5. Bd2 Bxc3
6. Bxc3 Qd6
7. Bc4 Qc5
8. Bb3 Qd6
9. Nf3 f6
10. a3 cxd5
11. Bb4 Qc7
12. Qxd5 Nc6
13. Qf7+ Kxf7 (lol)
14. Bxf7
And, before that, there was Battle Chess on the Amiga, which was very kid-friendly, but had a nice kissing animation when a king captured the enemy queen. Now kids, we didn't have the internet back in those times, and pornmags were hard to get, especially if you didn't have an older brother to steal them from. So games like Battle Chess and Defender of the Crown were about as close to porn as a 10-year old could get, definitely fapping material (if kids that old even had a clue about fapping in the first place).Let's not be kidding, this was done way back in the 90s too, just instead of 3d waifu it was actual porn stars.