Even with the lack of some rules ( btw, my grandpa played without the "convert-a-pawn-who-crossed-the-field"'s rule, so that's how i learned to play chess game (maybe it's an old rules, as in monopoly, guess nobody played it with the same rules/cheats) but i dislike this rule so bad, what's the point ? make the game longer ? Come on, play without it, and have some love for your knight ) ... Sorry, i lost myself ... Come on ...
How could you not call it "Chass" ...
Without pawn promotion, what exactly is the point in trying to move your pawns to the other end? What do you do with them once they hit the last row? To me, if you play without pawn promotion, you would have to enlist a new rule to have something to do with pawns that reach the final row. Otherwise it's just another dead piece that takes up space with no reason.
As to my opinion of this chess game...it's supposed to be a porn game, to my understanding, and for the average player, the system is too smart. Porn (or just nude) chess should be challenging enough to be fun, but not so difficult that you can't get any real scenes.
Also, every real electronic or digital chess game I ever played had an undo function. In this, with no undo function, you have to completely start over if you make one bad mistake, which means you have to be a great chess player to get any kinda cool scenes from this game.
It also actually captured my king. This shouldn't even be possible. I failed to see where I couldn't move my king to a space, due to an opponent's piece protecting the space. The game shouldn't even allow me to move to the protected space. Checkmate is the only way to win in REAL chess. There are no other rules to that, aside from a stalemate which means you do not have a move to take. You cannot legally move your king into harm.
Just my two cents....I will probably still keep the game and play it as if there are no nude or sex scenes, while ignoring the various missing rules, but unless I find more time to spend on this game, won't be expecting to get anywhere with the girls.